Canadian Citizens: At the Centre of a Modern Transformed Government Christine Desloges Chief Strategist (Transformation) Chief Information Officer Branch May 25,2007
2 Canada – An Overview Demographics Population of 31.5 million 2 official languages Mixture of rural & urban – 77% live in cities & towns Geography 9,984,670 square kilometres 6 time zones Three Levels of Government Federal (126 departments, agencies) Provincial / territorial (13) Municipal (more than 5000) Canadians are among the most connected in the World
3 Canada – An Overview of Internet Usage Canadians are among the most connected in the world 78% have used the Internet in the last three months Canadians are going on-line 74% of Internet users have visited a Government of Canada (GC) Web site in the past 12 months 29% indicated most recent contact with GC was through Internet or Canadians want their governments to be on-line 86% agree that the Internet has made it easier to find information about government programs and services 55% of Canadians think that, in five years, their main method of contact with governments will be by Internet/ 81% of Internet users feel moderately to highly comfortable submitting personal taxpayer information on-line 48% of Canadians would rather use a government website to get information on programs and services as their preferred mode of communications Source: EKOS survey on trends in Internet usage and access.
4 Transformation and Renewal – Key Enablers to the GC Management Agenda Strategic Objective Areas of Focus Key Enablers Management Excellence Government is well managed and accountable and resources are allocated to achieve results Management Excellence Government is well managed and accountable and resources are allocated to achieve results Management Oversight Management Oversight Expenditure Management Expenditure Management Service Transformation Public Service Renewal
5 Management Who is Involved? / Who Benefits? Transform / Modernize Citizens Elected officials Employees Better Use of Tax $ Visibility Public Trust Ease of Access Transparency Seamless Service Pride Job Satisfaction Career Choice Effective Efficient Core Focussed
6 What does a Modern / Transformed Government Look Like? Acts as One Aligned Interoperates Citizen-Centric Focused on Core Business Easy to Work In Easy to Work With
7 What Does Citizen-Centricity Mean? A Strong Research Foundation to Find out
8 What Does Citizen-Centricity Mean for Clients? For the Government? Clients should: Be able to say “Tell me about me”… Choose which channel they interact with us Receive consistent, reliable information and services regardless of location or channel Government should: Have Client Base Build Trust and Confidence
9 Building the Client Base – Connectivity and Accessibility The Services for People with Disabilities portal emphasizes access to travel, health, jobs, training, assistive technology links, mapping for the visually impaired, and links to federal government disability information. The wireles portal is a good example of "making technology work" for clients as it is a quick and easy, single point of access to selected government information and services using mobile Web-enabled devices such as cellular phones or personal digital assistants.
10 Building the Client Base – Inform Citizens The Prime Minister Contact Information Federal Municipal Provincial and Territorial A specific Department or Agency Other jurisdictions Members of Parliament Canadian Parliament Service Information
11 Building the Client Base – Consult Citizens “Consulting With Canadians” provides a single-window access to a list of consultations from selected government departments and agencies
12 Building Trust and Confidence – The Public Sector Value Chain* Modern and Transformed Government Strong services internally and externally contribute to confidence in the public service Engaged & Supported Employees Internal Services External Services Trust & Confidence Citizen Service Satisfaction *Heintzman and Marson 2003
13 Citizen Trust & Confidence In Public Institutions Citizen/Client Service Satisfaction Employee Engagement DRIVERS OF PERFORMANCE DRIVERS OF PERFORMANCE DRIVERS OF PERFORMANCE © Heintzman and Marson 2006 The Public Sector Service Value Chain
14 Identified Drivers of Employee Satisfaction and Commitment Engaged & Supported Employees Work Environment Goals & Mandate Leadership & Management Workload Tools To do job Career Development
15 Identified Drivers of Service Satisfaction These satisfaction drivers and their relative importance are consistent with those found in previous Citizens First Studies Knowledge Fairness Extra Mile Outcome Timeliness Citizens First 4 CLIENT SATISFACTION ©ICCS-ISAC 2005
16 Identified Drivers of Trust and Confidence in the Public Service CONFIDENCE In Public Service Strong services contribute to confidence in the public service Strong services Benefits to citizens Equal & ethical treatment Strong leadership & management Citizens First 4 ©ICCS-ISAC 2005
17 Canada: E-government successes One-stop access on the Internet through Canada Site 130+ most commonly used services online Government On-Line (GOL) initiative facilitated horizontal approach and success; funding ended in March 2006 Client satisfaction with services improved; Internet users most satisfied Secure common infrastructure (Secure Channel) established Official launch of Service Canada …and reinforce Canada’s position as a global leader in government service transformation We have had a MAJOR focus on services to citizens and businesses
18 … and we continue to… make progress in providing services that are easy to find and use and seamless across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries
19 … make a difference for citizens ©ICCS-ISAC 2005
20 So…What’s Next? So…What’s Next? Improving our Performance Along the Public Sector Value Chain Modern and Transformed Government Strong services internally and externally contribute to confidence in the public service Engaged and Supported Employees Internal Services External Services Citizen Trust and Confidence Citizen Service Satisfaction * © Heintman and Marson % Improvement in the past 7 Years Can we achieve a similar improvement in the years ahead? Can we achieve a similar improvement in the years ahead?
21 Service Transformation and Democratic Citizenship Each service experience Is a moment of truth Strengthens or weakens confidence in public institutions and democratic citizenship Constitutes both the challenge and the glory of service delivery in the public sector
22 canada.gc.cacanada.gc.caCanada site Service Canada Site (services for Canadian citizens) Institute for Citizen-Centred Services GTEC (the Government Technology Exhibition and Conference) : Marketing On-line Services