Hello every body !!! We are students at Gaza Prep “A” Girls school and we are going to tell you about a Palestinian traditional game. We call this game hajla.It’s usually played by girls. It can be played by two girls or more.
To play this game you need a piece of chalk to draw a shape like this. The shape must have eight squares. You can also draw it on the sand with a stick.
In the seventh square we draw a cross sign that means players must not step in it.
For playing, you will also need apiece of flat stone like this.
The player throws the piece of stone in the first square, then she jumps in on one foot.
The player pushes the stone with her foot to the second square then to the third.
On the fourth square, the player can rest and place both her feet on the ground.
The player continues jumping to the fifth Square then to the sixth.
Then with one movement, the player pushes the stone with her foot to the last square and out of the shape.If she finishes this stage successfully, she can throw her stone in the second square and plays again.
The player must not step on any line. The stone must not touch any line either.If she does that she goes out of the game and another player will start playing.
We enjoy playing hajla because it gives us exercise and it’s also fun. Goodbye!!!!!