FEDERAL FARM POLICY: UNRAVELING THE MYSTERIES OF WASHINGTON DC Alyssa Charney, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Steve Etka, National Organic Coalition MOSES 2016 February 26– 11 am La Crosse, WI
On Tap for Today Introductions/About NSAC and NOC Farm Bill & the Annual Appropriations Process The Organic Landscape Program Details: research, conservation, seeds and breeds, cost share, crop insurance, and more! Q&A
Started in 1988 An alliance of over 100 grassroots organizations across the country, including MOSES! Advocates in Washington DC for federal policy reform to advance the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, and rural communities Who is NSAC?
Who is NOC? Started in 2002, 14 organizations (including MOSES), from all regions of the country Provided a united voice for organic integrity Promote multiple health, environmental, and economic benefits that only agriculture affords Encourages policy to foster diversity of participation and access
Cost: $956.4 billion over 10 years. (about 2% of all federal spending) Spends $1.2 billion on sustainable ag programs and initiatives! Cuts to all titles overall except crop insurance. The 2014 Farm Bill Chart credit: Washington Post
Appropriations & Budget Annual Appropriations Process Each year, President releases funding requests for next fiscal year (2/9/16) Congress decides funding amounts for USDA programs House and Senate Ag Appropriations Subcommittees decide They can add, keep, or cut funding Two types of funding: discretionary vs. mandatory Where we are (FY17) Subcommittees have been holding hearings to examine FY17 Admin Requests In the next few weeks, members of the Subcommittees will continue to submit their own requests to the Chairmen of the Subcommittees Chairmen of subcommittees will draft FY17 agriculture appropriations bills
Organic Demand Outpacing Domestic Production Growth in U.S. organic sales has averaged 10 percent annually over the last 5 years U.S. organic farms numbers are not keeping pace, growing at about 2.5 percent per year
Organic Demand vs U.S. Organic Farms
How do we increase domestic organic production? Multi faceted: Pay Price, of course Organic Research to Address Production Challenges Conservation Programs Access to Seeds and Breeds Adapted to Farmer Needs Assistance with Certification Costs Risk Management Options for Organic Farmers
Organic Research Is Part of the Solution Organic research critical to help address organic production constraints domestically But USDA organic research funding is stagnating relative to broader agriculture research.
USDA Research Program Funding
Organic Research Should be Better Funded Though AFRI Most growth in agricultural research funding is for the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). AFRI grown by 20 percent over the last 5 years, and is slated for more growth. Only about 0.1 percent of AFRI funding used for organic research from
Organic Research within Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 2010–14 (%)
Organic in Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) has received significant increases in funding. 12 percent of U.S. fruit and vegetable sales are for organic products. But according to USDA’s own data, only about 2 percent of the SCRI program was spent on organic research over the timeframe.
Organic Research within Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) (%)
Conservation for Organic Producers Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Photo Credit: USDA
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) Technical and financial assistance for maintaining and adding conservation on working lands Contracts last 5 years with the option to renew for an additional 5 Ranking criteria based on conservation outcomes Payments (annual cap at $40K) determined by the costs incurred and expected conservation benefits Beginning/socially disadvantaged/ veterans receive preference Sign up by March 31 for FY16! Major program overhaul planned for 2017
CSP Enhancements for Organic Producers Transition to Organic Grazing System (WQL19) Transition to Organic Cropping System (WQL20) IPM for Organic Farming (WQL30) Non-chemical Pest Management for Livestock (WQL18) On-Farm Composting of Farm Organic Waste (WQL22) Non-Chemical Methods to Kill Cover Crops (WQL33) Organic Crosswalk (transitioning to org, or maintaining NOP certified status) Organic Crosswalk FY15 CSP Organic Enrollment #s What does the “refresh” mean for organic CSP?
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Cost-share for implementing working land conservation practices One-time payments for structural, vegetative, and management practices General EQIP Cap: $450,000 over 5-year period NEW: Organic producers will now be tracked in general EQIP EQIP Organic Initiative (OI) Targets organic, transitioning, and NOP-exempt producers by providing one-time payments for implementing new conservation practices. OI Payment Cap: $20K annually, or $80K over any 6-year period. Organic producers can compete in OI or general EQIP pool
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Establishes long-term cover on highly erodible land or land in need of conservation buffers/ previously in row crop production General and continuous sign-up options CRP Transition Incentives Program (TIP) - **2008 FB Offers a special 2-year extra payment incentive to owners of land currently enrolled in CRP, but returning to production Owners must rent or sell to eligible farmers who will: use sustainable grazing practices, resource-conserving cropping systems, or transition to organic production Eligibility: CRP landowner or operator AND Beginning, socially disadvantaged, or veteran farmer/rancher (cannot be a family member)
NEW: CRP Buffers for Organic Producers To be available through Continuous CRP Multiple benefits for organic producers Limiting soil erosion and nutrient loss Aiding pest control Enhancing wildlife habitat Habitat for beneficials and pollinators
Seeds and Breeds For Organic Farmers need access to seeds and breeds ideally suited to their farming systems, soils, changing climates, and consumer demand. Without these tools, production will suffer NOC and NSAC pushing for increased USDA funding targeted to this task
Certification Cost Share Assistance 2014 Farm Bill increased funding to defray certification costs for farmers and handlers. Organic farmers provide environmental benefits from all of society, so shouldn’t have to bear certification costs by themselves. Discussion within USDA about giving local Farm Service Agency county offices a role in administering program.
Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Risk management for highly diversified farms (entire farm) Crop-neutral revenue insurance policy protects entire farm Premium subsidy of up to 80% when at least 2 crops are grown, and discount for increased diversification Who Benefits? Small/diversified producers Organic producers without organic price elections Mixed grain and livestock producers Transitioning (toward organic)
NEW: Crop Insurance Option for Farmers Transitioning to Organic Announced February 18 th Transitioning producers can receive coverage that reflects their product’s actual value Previously could only insure at the conventional rate when transitioning Contract Price Addendum (CPA) covers their crops at a higher price
NSAC’s Grassroots Guide to Federal Farm and Food Program Contact your local management agencies: Farm Service Agency (FSA) or crop insurance agent Regional or County Risk Management Agency (RMA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State or District office Rural Development (RD) offices Alyssa Charney, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Steve Etka, National Organic Coalition For More Information