Faubion SUN Community School Commissioner Nick Fish Director Zari Santner
What are SUN Community Schools? SUN Community Schools are located within neighborhood schools across Multnomah County and offer educational, social, health and recreational services to all members of the surrounding community. These services include: –before and after school academic and recreational activities like tutoring & sports –family involvement and strengthening programs –health and social services –community events –adult education –meals
Let’s break it down…
The Top of the Iceberg: What most people see at SUN An After School Program of enrichment, recreational and skill-building activities for youth But it’s more than just an after school program… SUN is a comprehensive set of aligned partnerships
COMMUNITY PARTNERS Chess for Success Community Cycling Center Concordia University - Health Care Service Corps Growing Gardens Old Library Studios Oregon Gymnastics Academy ORTOP – (Oregon Robotics & Technology Outreach Program) Saturday Academy SEI (Self Enhancement, Inc.) Tears of Joy Theater
The Top of the Iceberg: What most people see at SUN Family Engagement Opportunities
At the Water’s Surface Programming that is not as visible Adult Classes & Workshops Adult Participation last year: Our partner organizations helped us to serve a total of 217 adults in enrolled programs last school year, broken down as: Unduplicated PP&R Adult Participants41 PPB WomenStrength35 Urban Growth Bounty Classes120 CEP Home Weatherization Workshop9 Growing Gardens Workshops12
At the Water’s Surface Programming that is not as visible 8 Week Full-Day Summer Program Summer Meals PP&R Saturday Basketball League
Below the Water What many don’t know… SUN is part of Multnomah County’s Anti-Poverty program, with intentional efforts to help lead families to self-sufficiency and bridge the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students Connections to wrap-around and social services; Supports in one location Energy and emergency assistance; access to health/mental health services; free tax assistance, etc.
Let’s bring it all together… SUN can help reduce barriers to success by extending the school day and giving students a broader range of opportunities Faubion SUN, with the help of school staff, can do more to help families get the services they need
INDEX CARDS What do YOU need from SUN in order to get on board with the concept of the community school approach? What is one thing that you can do to help Faubion SUN achieve the vision of providing supports to families?
Commissioner Nick Fish Director Zari Santner
Commissioner Nick Fish Director Zari Santner