Location of Shang Dynasty (North eastern China; in pink) Location of Shang Dynasty (North eastern China; in pink)
ShangShang The origins of Chinese civilization started here, over 3500 years ago! It is the LONGEST CONTINUOUS civilization in the world.
Social Structure + Government King Nobles Artisans Farmers/ Salves Upper Class Lower Class
FEUDAL STATE King owns EVERYTHING Farmers/Artisans pay $ to Noble, Noble pays $ to King
Shang Beliefs Animism = belief that natural things have a spirit. (ex. Rivers, trees, rocks, wind, …) people tried to maintain positive relationships with nature spirits so they would: –Have good crops –Enough rain –Victory in battle
Shang Beliefs Shang Kings were responsible to act like the priest –They communicated with the spirits of their dead ancestors using Dragon Bones. –They ancestors would speak to the gods on behalf of the King
Dragon Bones People used the leg bones of cattle or turtle shells as a writing surface to ask questions from the gods. Many destroyed because used in medicine. People didn’t want to buy ‘Dragon Bones’ that were marked up.
Dragon Bone Calendar
The Evolution of Chinese Writing during the Shang Pictographs Semantic-Phonetics They developed an early form of writing. Modern Chinese writing can be traced directly to this writing system.
Axe Scepter - jade Ceremonial Dagger The Shang were skilled metal workers – the skill of Shang bronze (a valuable substance) makers has never been surpassed.
Shang Bronzes
Shang Urn
Ritual Wine Vessel – bronze
“Duality” of nature The Shang believed that nature was dual, symbolized by Yin and Yang. For the world to function well, Yin & Yang should not be in conflict. Yin – black, earth, darkness, cold, feminine forces Yang – white, heaven, light, heat, masculinity The Shang believed that nature was dual, symbolized by Yin and Yang. For the world to function well, Yin & Yang should not be in conflict. Yin – black, earth, darkness, cold, feminine forces Yang – white, heaven, light, heat, masculinity
Feng shui + Qi (chi) Feng shui – the environment has a powerful effect on human well-being. Feng = wind shui = water Life force – Qi [chi]. Natural force that travels in wind and is held in water. Qi will not flow properly if buildings are not placed in the right spot. Feng shui experts are called in to plan the best place for buildings.
This dynasty replaced the Shang Dynasty, attacking the Shang and saying that the Shang rulers had lost the “Mandate of Heaven”.
The Mandate of Heaven (the right of a ruler to rule because the gods favoured him) The Mandate of Heaven (the right of a ruler to rule because the gods favoured him) They believed the gods allowed a king to rule as long as he was worthy. They believed the gods allowed a king to rule as long as he was worthy. If the King became unworthy, the gods withdrew their favour and a new ruler would take over If the King became unworthy, the gods withdrew their favour and a new ruler would take over
Ritual Food Vessel - bronze
Pendant of Dancer - jade
Ritual Wine Vessel bronze, silver, gold, copper
Invention: Money (bronze)
Invention: Irrigation Increase food production
Warring Period (last 200 years) 3 philosophies arouse as a result: –Confucianism –Legalism – Daoism
Confucianism Believed that people were basically good but they needed to be trained to behave well. Valued respect & obedience in ALL relationships People in power were to treat others with love and kindness In return, they would get respect & obedience
Legalism Believed that all people were basically selfish & greedy. Believed that rulers had to be strong and ruthless to make society run properly. Strict Laws & Harsh punishments
Daoism Live in Harmony with nature If people understood nature they would live in harmony with it –No Rules or custom = this stopped people from behaving naturally Wanted to strengthen the Qi within people Later became alchemists searching for immortality
Qin Dynasty Qin Emperor defeated the Zhou King This happened because the Zhou King lost the ‘Mandate of Heaven’