Pesticides and Pest Control G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition Chapter 20 G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 13 th Edition Chapter 20
Objectives: Identify the types and regulation of pesticides. Evaluate the pros and cons of using pesticides. Describe integrated pest management.
Pests Compete with humans for food Invade lawns and gardens Destroy wood in houses Spread disease Are a nuisance May be controlled by natural enemies
Pesticides: Types Chemicals that kill undesirable organisms Insecticides - DDT Herbicides – 2,4-D; atrazine, glyphsophate Fungicides Rodenticides
First Generation Pesticides Natural substances Sulfur, lead, arsenic, mercury Plant extracts: nicotine, pyrethrum Plant extracts are degradable
Second Generation Pesticides Primarily synthetic organic compounds 630 biologically-active compounds Broad-spectrum agents Narrow-spectrum agents Target species
The Case for Pesticides Save lives Increase supplies and lower cost Better and faster than alternatives Health risks may be insignificant compared to benefits Newer pesticides safer New pesticides are used at lower rates
The Case Against Pesticides Genetic resistance Kill control species (nontarget) Increase in other pest species Pesticide treadmill Mobility Harm wildlife Human health threats Year Number of species Boll weevilGypsy moth caterpillar Insects and mites Weeds Plant disea ses
Characteristics of an Ideal Pesticide Kill only target Harm no other species Break down quickly No genetic resistance Be more cost-effective than doing nothing
Pesticide Regulation in the United States Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Tolerance levels EPA Evaluation of chemicals Inadequate and poorly enforced Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA)
Integrated Pest Management Ecosystem approach Economic threshold Field monitoring Biological agents Pesticides are last resort
Biological Components of IPM Genetically-resistant plants Biological pest control Insect birth control Hormones and pheromones
Goal of IPM Fig p. 520
Objectives: Identify the types and regulation of pesticides. Evaluate the pros and cons of using pesticides. Describe integrated pest management.