Conway Highly Capable Coordinators: Melissa Brown (K-3) & Nancy Riches (4-8)
Fall HC Progress & Goals: Melissa created a K-3 program proposal for Wonder Workshop; tentative start date December 2 nd Nancy is working on variations/additions to 4-8 Plan* *Robotics will be implemented for already identified kids after conferences (November 4 th ); Wednesday mornings *Continue robotics programming through Holiday Break Evaluation of Progress on January 21 at ESD
HC Consortium Info: We have joined the HC Cooperative through ESD 189. Chris, Nancy, and Melissa attended the first meeting on October 20 th. Future meetings: January 21 st and April 28 th at ESD.
2015 Nominations by Grade: Grade LevelNumber of Nominated Kindergarten0 1 st 4 2 nd 5 3 rd 5 4 th 1 5 th 2 6 th 2 7 th 1 8 th 1
Application & Assessment Info: Parents Submitted: Permission to test, “Things My Child Likes to Do” questionnaire, nomination form Teachers Submitted: Renzuli Scales & work samples Coordinators: Process application packets & administer/score OLSAT
Fall Data Review: Chris, Deenie, Debbie, Nancy, and Melissa met on November 23 rd to review data and student portfolios. Identified candidates for ‘15-’16 program.
’15-’16 Program Numbers: Grade LevelNumber of Students in Program Kindergarten0 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th
K-3 Program Plan: Write Student Learning Plan for qualifying students based on student’s needs and classroom teacher input. Help teachers identify & acquire materials to provide classroom enrichment that supports SLP. Implement “Wonder Workshop” after school enrichment program 2x per month (students develop independent, inquiry-based projects & present on outcome of research)
4 th -8 th Program Plan: Write Student Learning Plan for qualifying students based on student’s needs and classroom teacher input. Help teachers identify & acquire materials to provide classroom enrichment that supports SLP. Weekly, before school robotics enrichment program.
Things for Further Exploration: Is OLSAT the best cognitive screener for our students? How can we best help our community understand the difference “high achievers” and “highly capable”? What are neighboring districts doing to support their highly capable students?