Marriage. The Garden-Before Sin Male and female created in the image of God. Genesis 1:26,27 5:1,2 Not ruling over each other. Ruling or taking dominion.


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Presentation transcript:


The Garden-Before Sin Male and female created in the image of God. Genesis 1:26,27 5:1,2 Not ruling over each other. Ruling or taking dominion over creation. Equality. Genesis 2:28 Both have the same job description. Fruitful, multiply, dominion over the earth. Genesis 2: 28

Alone- That is not good. Was Adam lonely? Genesis 2:18 In relationship first with God. Not lonely. God was meeting his needs. God was his source.

Alone- That is not good Was Adam lonely? He was the only human on earth. God in essence is relational. The Trinity as the model Man in God’s image is relational. To be human and made in God’s image is to be relational.

Humans are relational beings

Marriage is about relationship. Leaving and cleaving. The two become one flesh. The model is the Trinity; Father, Son and Spirit and how they are one.

Two become one Flesh I’m still a person. Ron is still a person. We haven’t lost our identity. One person doesn’t lay down who they are to achieve “ one flesh”.

One flesh It means : we don’t operate autonomously. Unity. It is about honoring, serving, working together, and supporting each other. Unity but not uniformity

The Fall: Broken relationships The lie was they would be like God.If humans become God then humans become the source for all human needs. The fall broke: Our dependence on God as our source. And the unity of the first couple.

The Fall-Broken Relationships From fellowship with God to:

The Fall-Broken Relationships From one flesh to:

The Fall-Broken Relationships From one flesh to:

The Curse-The result of Sin Not God’s desire but the result of the Fall of Mankind. The Fall resulted in: Husbands: ruling over, dominating. Wives : expecting the husband to be the source, manipulation and wanting to control. A power struggle in stead of unity based on serving.

Marriage: God’s intention? Unity- one flesh. Working together as equals in what God has called you together to do. Not looking to our spouse or any human to be our source. Keep that as God’s role. Modeling true relationship: enjoying each others company. It is doing the simple things of life like running errands together. Just being together is satisfying.

Not the Curse – but Grace The New Testament model- parallel to pre- fall. God has redeemed us, and made us new creatures in Christ. We are to have grace -based marriages.

Ephesians- Chapter 5 The 5 Walks- a new way to live 5 th Walk is walk wise. Walking wise is:

Submitting to one another 5:21 How we all relate to each other as believers. It means:

Submitting and Loving Wives submitting. Husbands loving. The two Big commands: serve and love. They are the basis for all relationships. They are the core of a grace- based marriage.

Genesis in Ephesians 5 Get back to God as your Source. Allow yourself to be continually filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18

Genesis in Ephesians 5 Remember that you are one flesh. “ husbands love their wives as their own bodies,” verse 28,29. Quote from Genesis 2:24 in Eph.5:31.

Husband as Head, Eph.5:23 Remember the “all submitting “5:21 A Head: functions in this passage: Sacrificial love No hint of authority in the passage. Christ head of the church Himself Savior of the Body.

Head in relation to the Body Used 5x in the New Testament Eph.1;22,23 : head for the Body. Not head over the church. Christ functions as servant provider. ( we receive the fullness of Christ). Ephesians 4:15,16- Christ as head in relation to the body is to provide it with growth.

Head in relation to the Body Eph. 5:23: As head of the Church, Christ is its Savior. If Paul wanted to communicate authority he would have used Lord. Savior= self-sacrificing, life giving servant role.

Head in relation to the Body Col. 1:18,19-Christ the source of Creation and the source of the Church. Through his blood (sacrifice) he has reconciled us. Col. 2:19- Christ as Head provides growth for the body. Summary: servant provider of life and growth for the Body.

Head as Source I Corinthians 11:3 “In the New Testament there are many references to leaders: religious leaders, community leaders, patriarchal leaders, and church leaders. Never is any one of them designated as Head..”Gilbert Bilezikian,”The issue I Can’t Evade’.,Priscilla Papers, Other titles are used. Head does not mean leader, ruler or boss.

Back to Ephesians The husband as head does not mean leader, ruler or boss. The husband ( head) as source. Woman from man. She is made of the same stuff as the male. One flesh Leave and Cleave ( joined).

Marriage God’s intention is a couple: Loving and Serving each other. Walk that out and you have a Grace-based marriage.