Policy Background Roger White Head of Policy
Aberdeenshire Council – Vision Serving Aberdeenshire from mountain to sea – the very best of Scotland The best area Helping to create and sustain the best quality of life for all through... happy, healthy and confident people safe, friendly and lively communities an enterprising and adaptable economy our special environment and diverse culture The best council Aiming to provide excellent services for all by... involving, responding and enabling finding new and more efficient ways of doing things providing elected leadership for our area working with our partners in the North East and beyond always looking to the future
Community Plan – Principles No. 5: Sustainability – we will work to ensure that our actions are sustainable and meet the needs of the current generation of Aberdeenshire’s people without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Community Plan – Sustainable Environment theme …working together to achieve sustainability by reducing resource use, protecting our environment, combating climate change and conserving and enhancing biodiversity Suggested indicators Ecological footprint per person Carbon dioxide emissions Waste arisings Water consumption Air quality Biodiversity Travel
Strategic Plan 2003/2007 – Sustainable Environment theme: measures for success Agree a new sustainability charter Set targets to cut use of energy and water, waste we produce and staff travel by car Establish a sustainable development forum Provide training for staff in sustainability Develop sustainable purchasing strategy Establish Aberdeenshire’s environmental “footprint” so we can aim to…become carbon neutral Develop a Travel Plan increased use of sustainable travel Reduce, re-use and recycle waste and deliver initiatives funded from the Strategic Waste Fund
Policy issues National commitment/consistency/support Balancing different political/policy requirements Aligning and updating plans Ensuring agreed actions happen, measuring their impact Coping with uncertainty Getting partners on board? Amount/location of expertise/understanding Cost and return Carbon accounting? The Stern review…
Aberdeenshire Council Response to Climate Change Robert Gray Acting Head of Planning Policy and Environment
National Background Documentation UK Framework for Sustainable Development Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER) Choosing Our Future
Local Background Documentation Sustainability Charter Sustainability Charter Annual Report Committee Reports Strategic Plan Community Plan Development Plan – NEST/ALP
Reporting Structures Report to Committee on the proposed actions Sustainability Working Group Community Plan – Themed Forums
The Planning Service Deals With The Private Sector –Land use policy –Regulation –Influence, research and education –Council example The Council –Land use policy –Influence, research and education –Direct project work –Delivery of services e.g. waste management
The Private Sector Policies – Structure Plan / Local Plan and Research –Promotion of sustainable communities –Reduce the need to travel –Policies on energy generation –Policies on design for energy saving e.g. Index 21 Development Control –Use of policies to determine applications –Reporting of sustainability implications in every Committee Report
Aberdeenshire Council Response to Climate Change Aberdeenshire Council Sustainability Charter and Annual Report North East Global Footprint Project Strategic Environmental Assessment Local Authority Carbon Management Programme Commitment to sign up to the Climate Change Declaration
Sustainability Charter and Annual Report Reduction of –Energy / Water use –Travel –Waste Raising awareness Sustainable Purchasing Policy Reducing Global Footprint Encouraging Consultation
Aberdeenshire Council Response Actions to Climate Change Aberdeenshire Council Sustainable Purchasing Policy –Established November 2005 –Incorporates Best Value –Whole life cost of procured item –Use of dedicated suppliers –Support the use of Fairtrade goods
Aberdeenshire Council Response Actions to Climate Change North East Global Footprint Project Areas identified in which change can be encouraged –Travel –Built Environment –Energy
Aberdeenshire Council Response Actions to Climate Change Local Authority Carbon Management Programme –Identify Stakeholders –Build team –Write Project Plan –Set Baselines and Emissions forecast –Identify and Quantify Options –Final strategy Implementation Plan
Aberdeenshire Council Response Actions to Climate Change Commitment to sign up to the Climate Change Declaration –Report to full council October 2006 –Project initiation –Partnership working across Scotland
Aberdeenshire Council Response Actions to Climate Change Waste Management –Fortnightly Residual Waste Collection –Fortnightly Recyclate Collection –Promotion and Education Plan –Gas Management at Landfill
Aberdeenshire Council Response Reorganisation of Planning & Environmental Services Proposed Manager for Sustainability, Information & Research Proposed Team Leader for Sustainability, Information & Research Within the team –Sustainability Co-ordinator –Global Footprint Officer –Strategic Environmental Assessment Officer
Transportation & Infrastructure Ken Morrison – Head of Roads
Predicted changes with Climate Change Increased rainfall Warmer climate Rising sea levels Increase in deep depression storms
Implications for Roads Service? Increased Rainfall Increased threat of landslides More Flood Prevention schemes More incidents requiring emergency response Changes to design standards (bridges, drainage etc) Development control issues (SUDS)
Implications for Roads Service? Warmer Climate Reduction in winter maintenance requirements Increased level of ground maintenance Heat damage to roads (problem in England this year) No skiing? Change in visitor patterns?
Implications for Roads Service? Rising Sea Levels Increase in coastal flooding Review of coastal defences Use of Coastal Management Plan
Implications for Roads Service? Increase in deep depression storms Incidents requiring emergency response Damage to infrastructure
“Mitigation & Adaption?” Established Flood Prevention Section Several Flood Prevention schemes/progressed Involved in NESFLAG Working with SEPA to develop Flood Warning Scheme for major works Involvement through SCOTS trying to influence SUDS legislation
Development of Recycling process at Council quarries Changes proposed to specification to allow more use of recycled material Proactive arrangements with P&ES to review all Planning Applications No significant change to Winter Maintenance, but reviewed annually Green Travel Plan approved and funded