PREVIEW Integrated Digital Marketing Communications 2 SOCIAL MEDIA Social media’s role in the promotion mix Social media as a change agent in marketing What’s a digital marketer to do? Shape the discussions.
The objective… …of integrated marketing communications is to coordinate all promotional activities of the firm to produce a unified, customer focused promotional message. To accomplish this objectives… …the elements of the promotion mix are carefully coordinated so the information transmitted to the marketplace through these elements consistently communicates a unified message that broadly reflects the organization’s fundamental values. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) 3
1. Enables companies to talk to their customers 2. Enables customers to talk to one another Promotional Roles of Social Media 4
PREVIEW Integrated Digital Marketing Communications 2 SOCIAL MEDIA Social media’s role in the promotion mix Social media as a change agent in marketing
Traditional Media Fixed, unchangeable Commentary limited and not real- time Limited, time-delayed bestseller lists Archives poorly accessible Limited media mix Committee publishers Finite Sharing not encouraged Control Social Media Instantly updateable Unlimited real-time commentary Instant popularity gauge Archives accessible All media can be mixed Individual publishers Infinite Sharing and participation encouraged Freedom Traditional IMC vs IMC in the age of Social Media 6
Trends The Internet has become a mass media vehicle for consumer-sponsored communications. It now represents the number one source of media for consumers at work and the number two source of media at home. Consumers demand more control over their media consumption. They require on-demand and immediate access to information at their own convenience Consumers are turning more frequently to various types of social media to conduct their information searches and to make their purchasing decisions Social media is perceived by consumers as a more trustworthy source of information regarding products and services than traditional corporate- sponsored communications. Implications must accept the reality that a vast amount of information about their products and services is being communicated by individual consumers to other consumers via social media forums. consumers are responding to this information in ways that directly influence all aspects of consumer behavior, from information acquisition to post-purchase expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. consumers are turning away from the traditional elements of the promotion mix; in particular, they are reducing their reliance on advertising as a source of information to guide their purchase decision-making Managers who are accustomed to exerting a high level of control over company-to-consumer messages must learn to talk with their customers, as opposed to talking at them, therefore influencing the discussions taking place in the social media space. 7
PREVIEW Integrated Digital Marketing Communications 2 SOCIAL MEDIA Social media’s role in the promotion mix Social media as a change agent in marketing What’s a digital marketer to do? Shape the discussions.
1. Provide networking platforms by creating communities of like- minded individuals. The communities can center on shared interests and values. 3. Use both traditional and Internet based promotional tools to engage customers, for example: online contests, games, etc. 2. Use blogs and other social media tools to engage customers as they feel more engaged with products and organizations when they are able to submit feedback. 3. Provide information because consumers are more likely to talk about companies and products when they feel they know a lot about them. Shaping the Discussions 9
5. Be outrageous because people talk about things they find to be somewhat outrageous. 7. Support causes that are important to consumers Because people tell others about things to which they are emotionally connected. 6. Provide exclusivity because people like to feel special. Feelings of being special can be produced by offering products, information, and special deals that are available exclusively to a subset of consumers. 8. Utilize the power of stories Because stories can be memorable. The more memorable they are, the more likely they are to be repeated. More ways to shape the discussions 10
For ConsumersFor Marketers Advantages Feedback helps drive both future business insights and innovation Constant involvement with the audience Relevant and targeted messaging Possibility to go viral Engage brand evangelists Challenges Customer really is king Controlling the conversation can backfire Know what is being said, respond timeously Be careful how you use personal data Possibility of negative messages and brand attacks Social Media: Advantages and Challenges 11
PREVIEW Integrated Digital Marketing Communications 2 SOCIAL MEDIA Social media’s role in the promotion mix Social media as a change agent in marketing What’s a digital marketer to do? Shape the discussions.