Overview Sophomore Business English Majors
Overview Many of my business English students from the past told me that they wish that they had learned more about business This project will: Introduce you to the basic departments of any business Enhance your English vocabulary in your desired business field Develop your ability to work in a team Test your critical thinking skills by requiring you to anticipate costs and benefits in relation to running a business Improve your English writing ability
Your Assignment Your project will have two major parts: The Proposal Personality Test Result Interview Business Plan Proposal The Presentation
The Proposal This is the written section Be creative! Feel free to add borders, colors, different fonts, designs, and whatever else you feel would make a good impression on me
The Proposal Personality test results Please see the end of this PPT for more information
The Proposal The Interview You will interview a native English speaker who works in business for this portion of your proposal You must either meet in person or via video/voice recording. You must record the interview and send it to me before the presentation You must type a detailed summary and include what you learned from the interview Please see the website for more information
The Proposal The Business Plan Proposal This is the most important part of the written portion This is due the week before the presentations You must include: Executive Summary Company Analysis Marketing Analysis Marketing Plan Financial Plan Human Resources Plan Operations Plan
The Presentation Once we have covered all of the modules and you have completed your Proposal, you will present your project Dress appropriately, as if you were truly presenting your plan Your classmates and I are potential investors We will ask you questions that you may have not considered before You must “wow” us through your presentation Additionally, your business idea must be unique Lastly, your idea must be well-supported with research and logic
The Presentation You will have 8 to 10 minutes to complete your presentation Bring in a recording device, and have one of your classmates who is NOT in your group record your presentation Immediately after class, upload the video to Youku and send me the link (instructions on the website) Before the next class, watch all of the videos on the website
The Presentation Evaluation The week after the presentations, we will have an in- class vote You may not vote for your own presentation The winning group will earn an automatic 100% on both the Presentation and the Proposal I will also cast my vote for what I thought was the best presentation That group will also earn an automatic 100% on both the Presentation and Proposal
The Study Modules I know that a lot of business terms and ideas may be new for you Over the next four weeks, we will study them in depth Each lesson, or “module”, will help you to write a different section of your business plan project I will teach you the fundamentals of business by teaching you four modules Each module will have a set of vocabulary words related to the business lesson Each module will be related to a unit from the textbook Each module will incorporate actual case studies about successful companies
The Study Modules Management/entrepreneurialism Marketing Accounting/Finance Human Resources/Operations
Module 1: Management/Entrepreneurialism In brief, this module will cover what it takes to form/organize a business and lead a team The textbook lesson is: definition (Unit 10) This module will help you to write your: Executive Summary Company Analysis Mission Statement and Vision Statement
Module 2: Marketing In brief, this module will teach you the different ways that businesses determine who their customers will be and how their product can fit the customers’ needs The textbook lesson is: classification (Unit 7) This module will help you to write your: Market Analysis Marketing Plan
Module 3: Accounting/Finance In brief, the accounting department records all information related to money that comes in to and goes out from the business. The finance department determines how that money should be spent. The textbook lesson is: Compare and Contrast (Unit 5) This module will help you to write your: Financial Plan Balance Sheet
Module 4: Human Resources (HR) and Operations These two departments are not closely related, but serve similar roles in that they keep a business running internally. The HR department handles all issues related to employee records. The operations department is broad, covering everything from IT to supply chain management to facilities. The textbook lesson is: Process Analysis (Unit 8) This module will help you to write your: Operations Plan Human Resources Plan
Plagiarism We should be clear on plagiarism now, but if you have any remaining questions ask me BEFORE you turn in your assignment According to a June 22 nd, 2011 NPR article titled, “China’s Businesses Boom, But Its Brands Don’t,” author Rob Gifford explains that China lacks major brands because Chinese businesses are not innovating, just copying. China’s economy is turning away from the manufacturing It’s for the best; Chinese workers can move up the supply chain and focus more on services Moreover, China has no choice. With higher average wages, manufacturing jobs are moving to other countries with lower average wages
Plagiarism Thus, in China, there’s a great need for business leaders and entrepreneurs to drive the new economy Take this business project as a way to prepare for the new economy
Project Teams I will put you into teams based on who you don’t usually work with. This is realistic…you rarely get to choose your coworkers! It will give you a chance to work with new people Students almost ALWAYS thank me when I make groups…it puts them in contact with classmates that they didn’t know as well before the project However, if there is a huge interpersonal conflict (e.g. you’re ex-boyfriend/girlfriend with someone), then let me know. Part of your participation grade will depend on how your teammates evaluate you This is entirely up to your teammates
This week’s Homework Take the personality test on When you have your 4-letter test result, see your class monitor for your personality profile Print out the personality profile Type two paragraphs Write about your personality type. Is it accurate? How does your daily life and behavior match your personality profile? How can you and your teammates work together more efficiently by knowing each other’s particular personality types?
This week’s Homework Meet with your group. In your meeting: Brainstorm ideas Decide, as a group, what type of business you want to start Review the ppt and discuss any questions Discuss your personality types and how you can all work together efficiently Be prepared to talk with me about your discussion Read Unit 10: Definition (just get the general idea) Read the definition example essay about success