Thru the Bible in 24 Weeks
Introduction The Bible contains stories of the greatest EVILS..... betrayals, revenge, deception The ultimate Prince of Deception - Satan The Bible contains stories of the greatest GOOD..... miracles, achievements, courage The greatest sacrifice for you and me The crucifixion & resurrection Of Jesus Christ our Lord!
RUTH Deliverers for 1 purpose, not court judges 10 th Century BC. Author: Unknown Picture of New Testament Redemption Purpose of Judges is to show that when mankind is faithful, God is faithful. Contrasting Judges – sin/save me God/sin
ULTIMATE LOVE STORY Ruth loved Naomi Ruth and Boaz fell in love Ultimately, it is about the love of Jesus Redemption of Naomi’s land & bride for Boaz
God’s Presence The book of Ruth begins with an absence of God’s presence – famine then Israelites leaving land. Remember Judges – sin & worshipping other gods People left God – God NEVER left them!!!!!!! Ruth: loyal to God; embraced Yahweh; denounced gods. The book of Ruth ends with the genealogy of King David.
History of Naomi & Ruth The book of Ruth starts... During the time of Judges, there was a famine in the land. Elimelech & Naomi had 2 sons, Mahlon (unhealthy) and Chilon (puny). Elimelech died then 2 sons died, leaving 2 Moabite widows, Orpah & Ruth (desirable). Orpah went to her home to remarry. Ruth w/not leave Naomi; went to Naomi’s home of Bethlehem. Husband’s relative was Boaz. WHO IS THAT BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN MY FIELD? Instructed his men working field to “DROP PLENTY of GRAIN” for Ruth to pick up (welfare system).
KINSMAN Old Testament Law, land always belonged to God – family only had rights to property. When family member died, KINSMAN w/redeem land, and also continue blood line. Law of Redemption & Law of Levirate Marriage Naomi instructed Ruth to lay down at Boaz’s feet, Boaz put skirt over her, symbol of protection like woman in New Testament that believed by touching garment hem of Jesus would heal her. Another kinsman, closer than Boaz, had 1 st right but refused as to not ruin his inheritance. Took his sandal off, symbol of yielding to opportunity or obligation. Boaz purchased land for Naomi and bride – we are the bride of Jesus. Jesus paid the purchase price for US!
Boaz and Ruth Married Tradition was, that when a man died without having a son, the brother of man would marry the widow so she could have a son and carry on the dead brother’s name. Man required to marry Ruth could not marry her or he would ruin his inheritance so Boaz, who just happened to be in love with her, did so.
Ruth’s Son Ruth’s son was Obed (King David’s grandfather) Obed, father of Jesse. Jesse, father of David. David “BELOVED” youngest son of Jesse. Jesus
Revelation 5 Revelation 5 is about the 7 th Sealed Book, the Title Deed of the Earth. “Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Root of David, have prevailed to open the book. Boaz, kinsman and redeemer, a foreshaddowing of Jesus Christ. Naomi, typifies Israel. Ruth, a Gentile bride (US), the church.
FINAL THOUGHTS Who do you know that you would like to see Accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior