Problem or Background Information And Variables Procedure Pictures Results Paragraph Data Table Graph
QUESTION/PROBLEM IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION? EX: How many times can I turn around and still walk a straight line? (my question will have measurable data)
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Look up information on your topic Summarize and print/write what you learned Just needs to show what you learned from what you read about your topic Tell me where you found your information – Example: “I will look up the effects of spinning on the ability to walk straight.” Resources:
BACKGROUND INFORMATION A summary of what you have about your topic will go here. Use Times New Roman font size 20, single-spaced. You will need 2-4 paragraphs of background information that will help you become better informed about the topic, NOT how you plan to do your experiment. Resources:
Hypothesis Remember to put your hypothesis in the form of an “if, then” statement – Ex. “If I spin around more times, then, I can walk a longer distance in a straight line.”
Plan Your Experiment Write your procedures for performing your experiment This will include your materials list
Materials List In the planning stage think of all the materials you will need to conduct your experiment – Example: I will need Me Ground to stand on
Procedures Write step by step instructions of how to conduct your experiment You probably will not have them all complete and correct the first time you do this, especially if you are developing your own experiment Example: – 1) Measure and mark a distance of 10 meters in a straight line – 2) I will spin around one time – 3) I will see how far I can walk a straight line – 4) I will record the distance I walked in a table – 5) I will repeat steps 2-4 increasing the number of times I spin around each time
Conduct Your Experiment This part will be done away from school Experiments/investigations do not always go as planned, you may find that you have to make changes to your plan Remember to record data during your investigation – EXAMPLE: Take pictures and/or make drawings to go on your tri-fold board
Collect and Record Data Create a table to collect and record data Be sure your data is consistent (almost the same in each trial) which usually means you have at least 3 trials for each investigation Example: # of TurnsDistance Walked in Straight Line (m) Trial 1Trial 2Trial
Graph Data
Conclusion and Results Come to a conclusion – Example: The more times I turned around, the dizzier I became. My data does not support my hypothesis Report Results – Example: Tri-Fold board with my project from start to finish