Priest-king, Mohenjo-daro Steatite
Seals Seal Impression Original Location: Mohenjo-daro Yogic posture
Buddhist Art in India
Lion capital, Sarnath,India Flashcard Axis of the Universe Chakra Buddhism
Flashcard Great Stupa, Sanchi Circumambulation Level 2 Level 1 Reliquary World Mountain Harmika Yasti & Chatras
The Great Stupa (Sanchi, India) completed first century CE Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism nirvana stupa path at the base of the dome symbols of Buddha’s presence cosmic diagram of the world mountain toranas use of sensuous figures harmika yasti chatras
Yakshi and Torana Flashcard Yakshi c.a. 200 a.d.
Gardner’s 11 th ed., p. Flashcard Chaitya Hall plan and section Apse houses small stupa Ambulatory
Meditating Buddha Mudra Halo Ushnisha – head bump Urna – dot or curl of hair Compare drapery folds No unibrow
Seated Buddha from Gandhara (Pakistan) late third century CE
Seated Buddha from Gandhara (Pakistan) late third century CE a new image of the Buddha bhakti dukha and the Four Noble Truths bodhisattvas lakshanas ushnisha urna three bodies of Buddha asceticism Greco-Roman influence
The Mudra Dhyana-mudra Bhumisparsha- mudra Dharmacakra-mudra
Gardner’s 11 th ed. Flashcard Life & death of Buddha Prince Siddhartha Meditating monk Compare
Buddha seated on lion throne Almost transparent Bodhi Tree Dharma Wheel Gupta style Standing Buddha 5th century A.D Classical Seated Buddha Wheel on its edge Deer
Seated Buddha preaching the first sermon, from Sarnath (India) fifth century CE halo and the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya Deer Park near Sarnath strong degree of abstract idealism found in the Gupta style mudra dharma long-lobed ears broad shoulders and thin waist image of the yaksha
6-14 Bodhisattva Padmapani Flashcard Bodhisattva Padmapani, Ajanta
Shiva as Mahadeva in rock-cut temple at Elephanta (India) - sixth century -Shiva as Mahadeva -three colossal faces with three different expressions -grabha griha -linga
Gardner’s 11 th ed. Boar Avatar of Vishnu Gods & Sages Multiple hoods
Gardner’s 12 th ed., p. Trident Dancing Shiva Son - Ganesha Bull Snake
Rathas at Mamallapuram, 7 th century ratha pyramidal roof imitation of wood constructions
Durga Temple at Aihole (India), influence of the Buddhist chaityas horseshoe-shaped cella
Brihadishvara, or Rajarajeshvara, Temple (Thanjavur, India), begun gopurams rectangular cloister Chola dynasty King Rajaraja I
Lingaraja Temple (Bhuvanesvar, India), c. 11 th –12 th century ascending towers amalaka
Vishnu Temple, Deogarb Vishnu Sleeping on Ananta Plinth
Vishnu Temple at Deogarh (India) early sixth century Hinduism Brahma Vishnu use of Hindu temple as a residence of the god darsan purusha
Vishnu Temple at Deogarh mandala more sculptural than architectural sikhara Vastupurushamandala 32 padadevatas nakshatras Brahmasthana
Early Medieval Period
Mahabalipuram, rock-cut temples Draupadi Ratha Arjuna Ratha Bhima Ratha Dharmaraja Ratha MANDAPAS VIMANAS
Visvanatha Temple, Khajuraho
Visvanatha Temple (Khajuraho, India) c Mt. Meru emphasis on the exterior plinths mandapa roofs of the mandapa and their pyramidal eaves Tantrism yantra
Kandarya Mahadeva (Visvanatha) Temple Khajuraho (India) c CE Mount Meru emphasis on the exterior plinths mandapa roofs of the mandapa and their pyramidal eaves Tantrism yantra
Shiva as Nataraja Flashcard
Naltunai Isvaram Temple Punjai, India c carried in processions role of Shiva flaming nimbus the Demon of Ignorance
Flashcard Borobudur
Stupa at Borobudur (Java, Indonesia) c. 800 use of the mandala to represent the three spheres of Buddhist cosmology rectilinear base and first four tiers 160 reliefs on the base jatakas and sutras on the rectilinear four tiers circular upper four tiers dhyani Buddhas of the upper circular tiers
Angkor Wat Flashcard Bas-relief
Angkor Wat (Cambodia) 12 th century Khmer civilization Suryavarman II wat approach via a stone causeway (gradual ascension vs. building facade) naga and a model of the universe temple mountain (emphasis on exterior) shrine dedicated to Vishnu barays and a directed supply of water avatars of Vishnu Jayavarman VII and the Bayon
Harihara (Prasat Andet, Cambodia), 7th century, stone harihara (half Shiva/half Vishnu)
Angkor Thom detail of corbelled arch plan Tower of the Bayon
Shiva and his family on Mount Kailasa Shiva and Parvarti/ Vasuki/ Nandi/ Mount Kailasa/ Kama and the state of ananga/ Skanda/ Ganesh/ Surya and Chandra/ Hanuman, the Monkey God/ the tiger of Shiva/ rishis (Brahmin priests)/ Brahma with four heads/ Shiva and the demon Taraka
Vishnu and the Churning of the Ocean
Krishna and Radha in a Pavilion (Punjab, India), c. 1760, opaque watercolor on paper Krishna/ Radha/ Gita-Govinda/ a lightning bolt in a luxurious setting