The name of Indian is derived from Indus, which is derived from the Old Persian word Hindu, from Sanskrit Sindhu.
The Ancient Greek refer the Indian as Indoi, the people of the Indus. The population of Indian nowadays in India is 1.25 billion in estimation. It is containing 17.31% of the world’s population.
* Exist within BC. * Big warehouse for grain * Use pictography writing * Good in water system * Have stamp seal * Use cart as their transport
* Indian civilization happened when Aryan people came * Aryans who brought the Indus Valley culture to the community. * It is known as the Vedic Age. * Vedic time was the beginning of religious life for the community * After 7 th century BC, their attention turned to ganges valley * On that time, they have divide by 2 group which are Janapada and Mahajanapada * Janapada(small government) * Mahajanapada(big government) * Under the reign of Chandragupta Maurya, small governments were consolidated * In the year 321 BC The first empire was born in India * happened during the reign of the Mauryan dynasty * The dynasty reached its peak during the reign of Asoka glory on.
Early age Small government still does not have a sectarian attitude and king. big government headed by the king as the government Kashi, Kosala and Magadha. Authoritative king Brahmin acts as advisor Due to the uniting small government in India, the status of king change to emperor Maurya Dynasty heyday was during the reign of Emperor Asoka Asoka more emphasis on peace and social progress
Moden age The colonial period British colonialists came in 1857 They divide Indian’s land into 3 part namely India, Pakistan and large Bangladesh
H INDU Is one of the oldest religions in the world - brought by the Aryan people who invaded the Indus Valley about 1500 BC - practice the belief of the gods early - stage they worship the god of the Aryans of Surya (the sun god), Ani (god of fire), Aruna (god of heaven) Indra (god of war) Implications of social assimilation - Aryan with Dravidian people have expressed Trimuthi worship three gods like Brahma (god the creator ), Vishnu ( protector god ) & Shiva (god of destruction ).
Religious Hindus are divided into two Saivism (devotees of Shiva) & Vaishnavisme (devotees of Vishnu). Scripture is the Scripture oldest Hindu Vedas (books of knowledge) written by Aryans in Sanskrit. there are four Vedas, namely Rig-Veda contains 100 sacred songs god, Yajur-Veda same-Veda Tharva-Veda. while there is also the other scriptures such as Brahmin (teachings, practices, and laws of life) Bhagavad Gita (song associated with Lord Krishna and Arjuna) Upanishads (post thoughts and opinions on human life and God).
BUDDHISM Philosophy of Buddhism is based on the teachings of Lord Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, a royal prince of Kapilvastu, India. The founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama was a prince of the Sakya tribe. After originating in India, Buddhism spread throughout the Central Asia, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Southeast Asia, as well as the East Asian countries of China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Buddhism teaches its followers to perform good and wholesome actions and to purify and train the mind. Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism: Life is suffering; Suffering is due to attachment; Attachment can be overcome There is a path for accomplishing this.
Family social system in India
Family System The purpose of family : To get support from physical and spiritual To have another child or descendant. Indian civilization family system is preserved by two aspects: · Ashrama Dharma · Purusartha
Ashrama Dharma There have four stages in this system 1. level = Brahmacharya: Learn knowledge 2. level = Grihasta: Married and working 3. level = Vanaprastha: meditating and break free from the mundane 4. level = Sannyasa: Disseminate knowledge to the community
· Purusartha 1. First Noble = Aram / Dharma: Adherence to moral and ethical 2. Second Noble = Porul / Artha:Working for the true wealth 3. Third Noble = Inbam / Kama: Love or affection and enjoy the satisfaction of property 4. Fourth Noble = Moksha / Vidu: Spiritual Perfection free yourself from worldly results
Caste system in India There are two system in caste Varna system Jati system
The social structure is based on the varna Brahmin Kshatriya : Vaishya Sudra
Brahmin : Educators, Intellectuals and Religious Kshatriya : Government, Administration and Military Vaishya : merchants and traders Sudra : laborers and farmers
The social structure is based on the Jati Jati system is based on a system of trade unions. Have no social hierarchy. This system exists in the Age of the Vedas. to safeguard the welfare