Body of Srimad Bhagvatam
6 Qualities Of SB Beauty Easily Sung in Brihad Chhand Opulence Thousands Lakshmi help Power Destroy tendency for sin Fame Very Famous Knowledg e Complete knowledge of creation, embryo Renuncia tion Helps to renunciate unwanted attachment for Krsna
SB is a Conversation Sukhdev Goswami And Parikshit Maharaj at banks of Ganga Suta Goswami was present during Sukhdev Goswami’s lecture/recitation Suta Goswami and 88,000 Rishis headed by Saunak Rsi at Naimasarinya in Sitapur District near Lucknow
Om And Mantras Vedic MantraNaam Mantra [more powerful] Starts with OmOm is Hidden Very strict rules to chantCan be chanted anywhere Om is dhvani mantra Om iti aksharam brahma Om AA -- Bhagavan U – Internal Potency M – External Potency Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya – SB Bija Akshar Kriya Vastu SB starts with ‘Om’ because It is part of vedas Namo Om- at ISKCON pranam mantra– First Bow down get qualification then chant Gyatri Mantra is Swar from Flute of Krsna, Dhimhi meditating, Prachodayad Shelter
Person and His Activities Understand Traffic Police man Understand His action/instruction Implement his instruction
18 Chapter 700 Verses From God Introduction to god Bhagvad Gita 12 Cantos verses About God Activities of god Srimad Bhagvatam Two Basic Scriptures- To understand God & his activities God