Chapter 4 Lipids
Healthy Fats Monounsaturated Fats Polyunsaturated Fats –___________ Fatty Acids Lenoleic –__________ Fatty Acids Linolenic EPA and DHA
Monounsaturated Fat ___________ saturated & trans-fat with monounsaturated fat (A strategy to prevent heart disease) Olive and canola oil
Olive Oil Monounsaturated Health Benefits –Lowers total & LDL cholesterol –Does not lower HDLs –Reduces LDL cholesterol susceptibility to oxidation –Lowers blood-clotting factors –Provides phytochemicals that act as antioxidants –Lowers blood pressure Choose darker “extra virgin” kind
Polyunsaturated Fat Omega-6 –Linoleic acid –Found in vegetable oils –Lowers both total blood cholesterol & LDL cholesterol Omega-3 –Linolenic –DHA & EPA –Found in ______ oils
Omega-3 Benefits –Lowers triglycerides –Prevents blood clots –Keeps heart beat regular –Lowers blood pressure –Defends against inflammation –Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids from fish may protect from some cancers
Balance Omega-6 & Omega-3 U.S. diet high in Omega-6 & low in Omega-3’s American Heart Association: eat ______ servings of fatty fish each week for Omega-3’s –Grill, bake or broil –Fish can replace high-fat meals Potential problems –Significant levels of __________ & other contaminants in some fish Vulnerable persons –Women who might become pregnant –Pregnant & lactating –Children Supplements not advised
Omega-3 Supplements –Lack other beneficial nutrients found in fish –May increase bleeding time/interfere with blood clotting –May contain high levels of vitamins A and D –May have toxic concentrations of industrial contaminates, mercury –Are expensive
Unhealthy Fats Saturated Fats Trans Fats (Hydrogenated Fats) Cholesterol
Health Effects of Fat Saturated and trans-fat –Are linked to cardiovascular disease –Are suggested risks for some types of cancer –Are linked to obesity
Saturated Fats Mainly from _________ sources –Meats: over 1/3 fat is saturated –Whole milk and other high-fat dairy: over ½ fat is saturated In some vegetable sources –Tropical oils used by manufacturers are saturated Palm Palm kernel Coconut
Trans Fats Raise _____, lower _____, & produce inflammation Trans-fats found in: –most margarines & all shortenings –Fast foods, chips, baked goods, meat & dairy, hard margarine, & other commercially prepared foods Soft or liquid forms are made from partially or non- hydrogenated oils –Pay attention to ingredients list on food labels
Dietary Cholesterol and Blood Cholesterol Dietary cholesterol is implicated in –Raising blood cholesterol –Increasing risk of heart disease Effect ______ as strong as saturated and trans-fats Cholesterol is only found in animal products –Meat, poultry, shellfish –Eggs –Cheese –Dairy
Where is fat found? Most fat is _________- –Fried foods –Baked goods –Sauces & mixed dishes –Dips & spreads –Marbling of meat –Fat ground into lunch meats & hamburger
Where is fat found?
Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits –Offer abundant vitamins, minerals, and fiber –Are naturally ____ in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol –Don’t add fat
Where is fat found? Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese –_____ in calcium and protein –Whole milk and reduced-fat milk & milk products are high in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol –Choose fat-free (or 1%) milk and milk products
Differences in Saturated Fat Content of Milk and Cheese Food CategoryPortionSaturated Fat (grams) Milk Whole Reduced-fat (2%) Low-fat (1%) Fat-free (skim) 1 cup Cheese Regular cheddar Low-fat cheddar 1 oz 6 1.2
Where is fat found? Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, Nuts –A large portion of the fat that people consume comes from meat. –Daily adult limit _______ oz
Cutting Fat Intake Eat _______ –High-fat meats (beef and pork) –High-fat dairy (whole and 2%) –Eggs (yolks) –Limit butter Eat _______ –Poultry without skin –Fish –Beans –Fat-free dairy Choose unsaturated fat –Softer fats –Vegetable & fish oil –Olive & canola oil
Cutting Fat Intake Don’t overdo fat restriction: –include ___ tsp in each meal
Don’t add too much fat Added fats in foods (oils, mayo, salad dressing, sour cream, cream, butter, etc.)
Read Food Labels Lists –Total fat –Saturated fat –Trans-fat –Cholesterol –Fat kcalories per serving
Fat Recommendations % of Total Kcalories Trans fats as low as possible Saturated Fats 10% or less of total kcalories Cholesterol less than _____ mg a day EPA and DHA – 12 oz of fish per week