Growing and Changing Health Education: Grade 6
Rapid Periods of Growth Conception to birth Birth to first year Child to adult (puberty)
What is puberty? Puberty is when physical, hormonal, and sexual changes occur and the individual becomes capable of reproduction.
How does puberty happen? Pituitary gland: Master gland in the center of the brain Sends out chemical messages to all parts of the body through the blood stream “Messages” are in the form of substances called hormones
Puberty begins because… The pituitary gland sends out hormone messages to certain parts of the body to tell them to change.
The hormones go to two glands: Girls - ovaries Estrogen Progesterone Boys - testicles testosterone
When does puberty begin? It varies for everyone. Boys Girls
What happens to your body during puberty? (Girls) Acne Perspiration Hair Grow taller Breast development Hips widen Genitals grow larger and darker Menstruation begins
What happens to your body during puberty? (Boys) Acne Perspiration Hair Grow taller Shoulders and chest broaden Muscles Voice deepens genitals grow larger
Hygiene - Acne One of the first signs of puberty Glands secrete an increased amount of oil Increased hormones are responsible for this change The blocked area can form a pimple What are some other words you might use for pimple?
What can you do to prevent or treat pimples? Wash face with unscented soap and water daily. Do not squeeze or pick pimples Avoid creams and cosmetics that contain oil. Eat a well balanced diet, and drink water Exercise and rest. Wash hair
Hygiene - Perspiration Sweating Body Odor Bacteria on the skin + sweat = B.O. Underarms, groin area, palms of hands, and soles of feet
What can you do to prevent body odor? Bathe or shower Use deodorants or antiperspirants Wear clean clothes
Hygiene - Body Hair Hair on head oily Underarm Antiperspirants and deodorants Shave? Genitals wash
What other factors influence good health? Balanced diet: 3 meals, healthy snacks, water Exercise Sleep Not smoking Healthy weight