Guci Image 2014 Androgenetic Alopecia Causes & Treatment Visit:


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Presentation transcript:

Guci Image 2014 Androgenetic Alopecia Causes & Treatment Visit:

Guci Image 2014 About Androgenetic Alopecia Hair loss that is genetic is known as androgenetic alopecia and, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, is the most common cause of hair loss. The gene can be inherited from either your mother’s or father’s side of the family, though you’re more likely to have it if both of your parents had hair loss.

Guci Image 2014 Women with this trait tend to develop thinning at the hairline behind the bangs, says Pamela Jakubowicz, MD, a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. The condition develops slowly and may start as early as your 20s. You may be vulnerable if your mother also has this pattern of thinning. In some cases, the hair loss may be diffuse, meaning it’s spread across the entire scalp. The Symptoms Of Androgenetic Alopecia

Guci Image 2014 Your dermatologist will examine the pattern of hair loss to determine if it’s hereditary and may order blood work to rule out other causes, Dr. Jakubowicz says. A biopsy of your scalp is sometimes done to see if the hair follicles have been replaced with miniaturized follicles, a surefire sign of hereditary hair loss. Tests For Anderogenetic Alopecia

Guci Image 2014 Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in women. This type of hereditary hair loss can begin anytime after puberty and usually occurs, if at all, before the age of forty. The gene can be inherited from either your mother’s or father’s side of the family, though you’re more likely to have it if both of your parents had hair loss. What You Can Do For Alopecia

Guci Image 2014 Androgenetic Alopecia causes the follicles become sensitive to hormones, or androgens that already exist within your body. Within those follicles are androgen receptors. The androgens (hormones) tell the androgen receptors to produce less hair. Consequently, growing cycles are shortened while hair becomes thinner and finer. While there is no loss of the actual follicle, eventually hair production can stop altogether How Androgenetic Alopecia in Women Works

Guci Image 2014 Causes of Androgenetic Alopecia In Women What causes this? Well, if its andro-genetic then the cause is a genetic predisposition. However there are myriads of other causes of thinning hair. However, when you don’t know the cause of your hair loss, a multi-faceted approach is best. Combining both growth stimulants (LASER LIGHT THERAPY) and antiandrogens into a preliminary treatment regimen is a very wise, and effective method for tackling this problem today.LASER LIGHT THERAPY

Guci Image 2014 Treatments for Androgenetic Alopecia (Women) Luckily many women who have androgenetic alopecia respond well to various treatments. FDA approved Laser Therapy is currently the most effective form of treatment today. Laser STOPS the progression of hair loss in 85% of patients who undergo treatment with the opportunity to promote REGROWTH to dormant follicles. Guci Image is a leader in the field of Laser Therapy with over a decade of experience in successfully treating clients suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia. Early diagnosis is always essential for success in any treatment program.

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