Fem -Choice ®, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Brief Overview Brief Overview
Fem -Choice ®, Inc. COMPANY OVERVIEW MISSION: MISSION: Our mission is to enhance the lives and health of Our mission is to enhance the lives and health of girls and women globally through clear and accurate reproductive data and education. girls and women globally through clear and accurate reproductive data and education. PROBLEM: PROBLEM: Youth -- Accidental pregnancies, lack of educa- Youth -- Accidental pregnancies, lack of educa- tion and understanding about puberty, surprise tion and understanding about puberty, surprise onset of periods causing embarrassment and onset of periods causing embarrassment and interfering with activities. interfering with activities. Adult Women – Accidental pregnancies when Adult Women – Accidental pregnancies when avoidance is preferred; trouble conceiving when avoidance is preferred; trouble conceiving when pregnancy is desired. pregnancy is desired. 1
Fem -Choice ®, Inc. COMPANY OVERVIEW SOLUTION: The Fem - Choice ® computerized software program (DVD) teaches youth about puberty and allows girls to track their periods. Helps with health education in school, and with parent-child discussions at home. Available in English and Spanish, with more languages to come. Web page version is downloadable to phone and desktop. Adult version allows women to track both their periods and fertility. While we discourage premarital sex among youth, Fem - Choice ® effectively helps prevent teen pregnancy among youth who are already sexually active. Fem - Choice ® offers convenient Jr. Miss and Adult versions of the hand- held model, Jr. Miss and Adult DVDs, smart phone and web-based versions. BENEFITS TO GIRLS & WOMEN: Safe, nontoxic, noninvasive & effective avoidance of surprise effective avoidance of surprise onset of menses and accidental onset of menses and accidental pregnancies. pregnancies. 2
Fem -Choice ®, Inc. TEEN PREGNANCY STATS Stats from DO SOMETHING.ORG, 11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy: It affects education – Only a third of teen mothers earn their high school diploma. 1.5% have a college degree by age 30. Teen pregnancy costs the U.S. $9 billion each year, including increased spending in child welfare costs and public sector health care. 1
Fem -Choice ®, Inc. TEEN PREGNANCY STATS Stats from the RESOURCE CENTER FOR ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY PREVENTION (2009): About 85% of teen pregnancies are unintended vs. 50% of pregnancies among adult women. 20% of 9 th graders & 53% of 12th graders reported being sexually active. The abortion rate’s slow decline seems to be leveling off; we want to get this rate falling significantly. According to DoSomething.org, About 750,000 teens get pregnant in the United States each year. 2
Fem -Choice ®, Inc. L.A.U.S.D. CASE STUDY 400 Fem -Choice ® CD units are used as a teaching tool for the Growth & Development Program in the L.A. Unified School District for 5th & 6th grade girls. LAUSD’s goal is to provide each female student (35,000) with their own copy of the program, but they lack the budget to purchase that many. 400 Fem -Choice ® CD units are used as a teaching tool for the Growth & Development Program in the L.A. Unified School District for 5th & 6th grade girls. LAUSD’s goal is to provide each female student (35,000) with their own copy of the program, but they lack the budget to purchase that many. Testimonial: LAUSD, the 2nd largest school district in the USA: “Thank you for the … first 400 CD units for use by our nursing staff …you have produced a much needed tool for educating, and helping all young girls understand their body’s natural rhythm at the onset of puberty. The video, with its English and Spanish language versions, is especially valuable … program that fits well within our “Growth & Development Program. … 35,000 units are presently needed for our 5th and 6th grade students throughout the district…”
Fem -Choice ®, Inc. Joe Jackson, PhD, Founder and Chairman of the Board ~ Office: (310) Fem Fem - Choice Technologies, LLC * Cerise Ave. * Hawthorne, CA Contact: Donna Shannon, Executive Director ~ (323)