Girls 5 th Grade Weber School District
3 Scoliosis Screening Scoliosis-side to side curvature of the spine Utah law that screenings are done
A. The medical name for the process of changing from a child to an adult. B. The period of life during which an individual becomes capable of reproduction. C. Puberty comes from the Latin word “pubescere” which means “to be covered with hair.” D. PEW-burr-tee is a time when young people start to smell, causing others to plug their nose and say, “PEW!”
8 to 18!
Why do we need to talk about this?! What do you think?
12 Body Changes Physical changes occur that you can see Breast Development Body Hair Personal Hygiene Mood Swings
13 Breast Development Age 8-13 May start as breast buds or bumps Nipples may feel a little hard or are more tender No perfect breast size, all are different, all are normal Wearing a bra (ask an adult for advise, wear for comfort and support)
14 Body Hair As you mature, hair grows on arms and legs (thicker and darker) Grows in between your legs called the pubic area (about age 8-14) Grows under arms (about two years after pubic hair) In our culture we shave, some cultures do not Don’t share razors, may spread infection
15 Oil and Sweat Glands New glands producing oil and sweat About the same time as underarm hair Need to use good personal hygiene habits Zits or acne are the Pits.. Keep your skin clean, try over the counter products……if serious see your doctor Never scratch or touch your pimples Can cause an infection or scars
16 Healthy Body Take a shower or bath every day Use deodorant Brush/floss Teeth Shampoo hair Keep your feet clean and dry Get plenty of rest
17 Mood Swings FFeel topsy-turvy, you feel very happy and then suddenly, not feel so happy HHormones affect the emotions KKnowing what to expect will help you cope AAsk for help and information SSeek professional help
We have just discussed the physical changes you can see happening on the outside of your body. There are also changes happening on the inside of your body that you cannot see. Your reproductive organs are maturing as well.
show respect for self and others recognize that we don’t need to feel ashamed of our bodies communicate questions and concerns to parents and medical care providers.
A. I took two of those and placed them in the thing. I pushed the small thing down and waited a minute. They popped up and I put them on that. I spread some of this on them. Then I ate them. B. I took two pieces of bread and placed them in the toaster. I pushed down the knob and waited one minute. The bread popped up and I put it on a plate. I spread some jelly on the toasted bread. Then I ate the toast.
Sperm cell Egg cell
She doesn’t know the exact time. A girl will usually get her period about two years after her breasts first begin to grow. Some girls may notice physical or emotional changes around the time of their periods.
Menstrual cramps Getting irritated more quickly than normal or cry more than usual (a few days to a week before period) Craving certain foods Feeling bloated or puffy (water stays in body) Tender or sore breasts Headaches Increased acne/pimples
43 Video What to look for in the video: Everyone develops at a different rate Review of the menstrual cycle How often your periods will happen Age it begins What products to use (this is the Always Co. video), there are many other products
45 Diet and nutrition 1. Eat foods from the food groups 2. Eat less sugary foods 3. Drink milk or eat calcium rich foods 4. Drink plenty of water 5. Don’t drink caffeine, if you have PMS, this can make it worse!
46 Exercise GGet regular exercise throughout your life, develop habit now EExercise during your period is okay! DDo what you are used to doing DDon’t overdo LListen to your body GGet plenty of rest and sleep
47 Sexual Harassment No joking about body parts No hitting, touching another person’s body where a swimming suit would cover No teasing about bras No displaying private body parts to others No displaying pornographic material
48 Growing Up A time to display good character Show respect for yourself and others Show honesty and integrity Be a good citizen in your school and in your community. Show you are responsible-you are accountable for what you say and do.
49 How are you feeling now? Enjoy this time in your life Have Fun and remember to Smile and Relax!
50 Thank You 5 th Grade Teachers PTA Custodian Parents