APCAUCE Asia Pacific Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial
Spam – Worse in the Asiapac ➲ Countries with scarce bandwidth ● It is sapped by spam and virus traffic ➲ Countries with lots of bandwidth ● Spam and viruses chew up lots more bandwidth ➲ ISPs don't have policies, SOPs on spam ➲ Not many countries have antispam laws ➲ Lots of countries have unaware users ● Who also run pirated software ● Which can't be patched, easily gets infected
Long-term goals International Cooperation ➲ Identify and bring together clued people ● Operators of services ● Antispam blocklists ● MTA and antispam software developers ● Clued internet users ● Governments and regulators ➲ Bring them together, to talk to each other and to people from the operator community ● So we all meet at ops events like APRICOT
History ➲ Concept of APCAUCE in 2002 ● BoF during APAN Shanghai (2002) ● Prof Kilnam Chon and others. ➲ Subsequent meetings at asiapac ops events ● APRICOT, APAN and SANOG meetings ● KL, Kathmandu, Pusan, Kyoto, Perth... ➲ Participation in other antispam conferences ➲ Cooperation with other antispam groupings ● London Action Plan, MAAWG, ITU, OECD..
Latest Meeting – APRICOT 2006 ➲ Regional Update Meeting - 2/26/2006 ● Governments, Industry, Blocklists ● Antispam Laws, Blocklists, Botnets.. keeping up to date with the situation and working together to do something about it. ● ➲ Antispam conference track - 3/1/2006 ● Authentication, Botnets, Antispam trends, Blocklist ops panel, Govt / ISP cooperation
Public Policy ➲ Reply to a questionnaire on a proposed antispam bill in Hong Kong ➲ Spam Problems in Developing Countries ● part of the OECD antispam toolkit ➲ Paper on spam for UNDP/APDIP ➲ Membership of the London Action Plan ● similar to APCAUCE, but international members... there'll be more.
That's all folks at least for now :) ➲ We'd love to hear from you – the apcauce mailing list's out there but its a bit quiet right now.