La salud By: Zainab, Katie, y Lauren. accident el accidente.


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Presentation transcript:

La salud By: Zainab, Katie, y Lauren

accident el accidente

antibiotic el antibiótico

aspirin la aspirina *

clinic la clínica

doctor's office el consultorio

dentist el dentista/la dentista

doctor el doctor/la doctora

(head)ache; pain dolor (de cabeza)

nurse el enfermero/la enfermera

physical exam el examen médico *

pharmacy la farmacia

flu la gripe

hospital el hospital *

infection la infección *

medication el medicamento

medicine la medicina

operation la operación *

patient el/la paciente

pill; tablet la pastilla

X-ray la radiografía

prescription la receta

cold (illness) el resfriado

emergency room la sala de emergencia(s)

health la salud

symptom el síntoma

cough la tos

los verbos By: Zainab, Katie, y Lauren

caerse to fall down

dañar * to damage; to break down

darse con to bump into; to run into

doler (o:ue) to hurt

enfermarse to get sick

estar enfermo/a to be sick

estornudar to sneeze

lastimarse (el pie) to injure one's foot

olvidar to forget

poner una inyección * to give an injection

prohibir to prohibit

recetar * to prescribe

romper to break

romperse (la pierna) to break (one's leg)

sacar(se) un diente to have a tooth removed

sufrir una enfermedad * to suffer an illness

tener dolor to have a pain

tener fiebre to have a fever

tomar la temperatura to take someone's temperature

torcerse (o:ue) (el tobillo) * to sprain (one's ankle)

toser to cough

congestionado/a congested; stuffed up

embarazada pregnant

grave grave; serious

médico/a medical

saludable healthy

sano/a healthy

El fin

Choose the five words that seem the hardest to remember. Escribe una frase LOCA con cada palabra. The sentence needs to make sense, but should be strange in some way. or Write a memory tip for each word. Use your imagination! Práctica:

vocab memory tips toser – when you cough you toss out salud – think salad is healthy for you gripe - grapes throwing up, no gripe have a grip - the flu makes me gripe (grumpy) doler - a dollar to punch me…. hurts - it hurts to lose a dollar darse con – darse kind of like dance = bump into caerse – Caesar fell down when he died receta – receding hairline need a prescription or think is like a receipt el resfriado – need rest, get frio lastimarse – last time I get injured - if you hurt yourself you will get a cast that will last darse con – walk in the dark = bump into stuff romper – romper is a dress with a break in it estornudar – think never sneeze in a store while nude estornudar – a storm of nuclear force radiografía – radiation is used for x-rays olvidar – old people forget