Unit 8A Part 2
TOPGreek topos“place”
Top/ic/al: designed for local application to or treatment of a bodily part; referring to the topics of the day
U/top/ian: relating to an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect
Top/o/graph/y: the art of showing the natural and man-made features of a region on a map/chart; the features of a surface, including both natural and man-made features The topographical map showed the area’s. The topographical map showed the area’s topography.
CENTR/CENTERGreek kentron Latin centrum “sharp point” or “center point of a circle”
Ec/centr/ic: not following an established or usual style or conduct; straying from a circular path, off-center
Epi/cent/er: the location on the earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake; the center or focus of activity
Ego/centr/ic: overly concerned with oneself; self-centered
DOMLatin dormus“house” dominus“master”
Pre/dom/in/ant: greater in importance, strength, influence, or authority
Dom/i/neer/ing: tending to control the behavior of others in a bossy manner
OMNILatin omnis“all”
Omni/pot/ent: having complete or unlimited power; all-powerful POT from Latin potens meaning “power”
Omni/bus: of or including many things in Latin – for all
Omni/sci/ent: knowing everything; having unlimited understanding or knowledge
HOL/HOLOGreek holos “whole”
Hol/ist/ic: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts
Holo/caust (Greek holokaustos – burnt whole): the mass slaughter of European citizens and especially Jews by the Nazis; a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life, especially through fire
RETROLatin“back, backward, behind”
Retro/fit: to furnish something with new or modified parts or equipment that was optional or unavailable at the time of manufacture
Retro/gress: to return to an earlier and usually worse or more primitive state Progress?
Retrospective: a generally comprehensive exhibition or performance usually covering an artist’s output to date Last weekend, New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art premiered its retrospective of American artist Jeff Koons. Simply entitled A Retrospective, this exhibition bears significant importance to both parties.Whitney Museum of American ArtJeff Koons
TEMPORLatin tempus“time”
Temp/or/al: having to do with time as opposed to eternity; having to do with earthly life as opposed to heavenly life; having to do with time as distinguished from space
Con/temp/or/ary: occurring or existing during the same period of time; having to do with the present period; modern or current
Ex/temp/oran/eous: composed, performed, spoken, or done on the spur of the moment; impromptu or improvised; carefully prepared but delivered without notes
Temp/or/ize: to act in a way that fits the time or occasion; to give way to current opinion; to draw out discussions to gain time
CHRONGreek “time”
Chron/ic: lasting a long time or recurring frequently; always present, constantly annoying or troubling; habitual
Ana/chron/ism: the error of placing a person or thing in the wrong time period; a person or thing that is out of its own time