Bienvenidos a la clase de Español I Sra. Dilone Semestre de Otoño 2013
Family education students discipline dominican funfun childrenchildren patiente friendship respect Bunn High School wildcat ¿Quién es la Señora Dilone? Who is Mrs. Dilone? I am …
Class Expectations 1. Arrive on time-You need to be in your seat working on the “Calentamiento” (Warm up). 2. Participate and pay attention!-You will learn more Spanish by participating. 3. Respect-Others, yourself, the teacher, the right of all to learn. 4. Follow the BHS Code of Conduct and procedures as described in the student handbook. 5. SPEAK, SPEAK SPANISH
Entering the Classroom 1.Enter the classroom quietly 2.Place homework in the homework tray according to your period. 1.Pencil should be sharpened if necessary 2.You should then immediately be seated with pencils and binder getting started on the warm up. 5. Take your assigned seat 6. Work quietly and by yourself. 7. Wait for further instructions from the teacher. PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures 1. Walk in quietly making as little noise as possible. 2. Sign-in at the Tardy Sheet. (Name, date, time) even if it is excuse it is for your own protection. If you have a pass leave it in the folder. 3. Take your assigned seat. 4. Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what the class is doing raise your hand until the teacher sees you. 5. Continue working (waiting) quietly until I get to your desk. Tardiness Consequences for tardiness See Student Handbook on page 15.
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures Speaking in Class 1. You MUST raise your hands to speak in the classroom. 2. If you have a question or want to answer raise your hands Finish Early Work 1. Review grammar and vocabulary of the day. 2. Organize your homework. 3. Sit quietly. Passing out Papers 1.The teacher will pass paper out by giving enough papers to students sitting across the rows. 2. Students will pass the papers from desk to desk.
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures Turning Work 1. Assignments will be passed across of the room face-down. 2. You should not pass your own paper forward until you have the person next to you paper. 3. This is a SILENT procedure. 5. The last person will neatly stack all papers face down on their desks for the teacher to collect. 6. Do not leave assignments on the teacher’ desk. Note: All papers submitted to me MUST contain the following Heading (name, date, subject, class period and assignment) Ex.: John Carter 8/26/2013 Spanish I 4 th Period Exercise 3 pg.42 Returning Work to the Students The teacher will put your graded papers faced down on your desk.
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures Getting the class attention I will stand at the board with my hand up. If you not be able to see the hand I will shake a maraca one time. When you see my hand up or hear the maraca. The procedure is as follows: 1. Stop what you are doing. 2. Turn and face me; pay attention; and keep your eyes on me. 3. Be ready for instruction.
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures Cooperative Learning Group 1.The teacher will give direction (FIRST) for the activity to work in group. 2. The teacher will divide into groups many times during the semester. Each time there is a need for a group, the size of the group and the people in the group will depend on the nature of the activity. 3. When your group has been assigned, quietly locate your other group members. 4. To move your desk, lift it off the floor gently to avoid scraping the floor. 5. Arrange your desks so that you are facing the members of your group.
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures During Group Work (Rules) 1.Contribute with your ideas 2.Listen to others ideas 3.Give everyone a chance to speak 4.Everyone is responsible for their own job and the results of the group. 5. If you have a question, ask your classmates before you raise a hand for help from the teacher. 6. Speak softly and speak only to your own team members.
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures Sharpener Pencils 1. Pencils should be sharpened BEFORE the bell rings. 2. If you pencil breaks during the class, hold your pencil in the air. This signal means that you need to sharpen your pencil. 3. Wait for the teacher to give you the signal to sharpen your pencil. You are allowed to do it one time each class, so I will recommend that brings extra pencils to the classroom. 4. Once you have sharpened your pencil quickly return to your seat. Substitute Teacher There is no difference if a substitute teacher comes to the classroom or if the teacher is present. The students MUST follow the procedures and rules of the classroom.
PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures Test Taking 1. Testing time is SILENT time. 2. All notes, textbook, and papers must be in the tray under your desk. 3. Eyes on your own paper. 4. Raise your hand if you have a question, 5. Turn your paper over when you are finished. I will collect it later. 6. When you finish, you may do silent work (review grammar, vocab, read a book) If you break any of these rules, see the consequences on page 4. in the Student Handbook.
Exiting the Classroom 1.The bell DOES NOT dismiss you I DO. So, when you hear the bell you must to remain in your seats. 2. You will only be allowed to leave the classroom when all students are seated, pick up possible trash on the floor and books are put away. 3. Push in chair and proceed quickly and quietly out the door. 4. Leave quietly the classroom. PROCEDIMIENTOS procedures Throwing Away Trash Students will be required to hold all trash until the end of the class period.
I will treat you… Don’t worry! fairly equally human being