Friday, 5/15 Get your pencils sharpened and ready for the test. Look over your notes and review sheet. Be prepared to ask questions. To get ready and read your notes!
FYI – words on test Emilio Aguinaldo Leader of the rebel fighters in the Philippines Contiguous Sharing a common border, touching
Friday 5/15 Bring your test up to the teacher’s desks when finished. Write Ms. Robinette a note of support and/or give her advice as she graduates from college and looks for a job in teaching! To write Ms. Robinette a note of support!
Ms. Robinette’s Last Day!!!
What do you think the proverb means? What was the “stick” used by Roosevelt? - “speak softly, and carry a big stick and you will go far” Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy was called the Big Stick Policy because it referred to an old African proverb he was fond of - “speak softly, and carry a big stick and you will go far” Thurs., 5/14
Big Stick Diplomacy REMEMBER! On the outside, Roosevelt uses diplomatic tactics to get what he wants. In other words, he negotiates with other nations. Meanwhile, he threatens other countries with the might of the American military.
Why do we care so much about Latin America? It’s all about the money, money, money! Latin American countries had been borrowing from European banks to build up their infrastructure. Roosevelt was worried that Europe would stick their noses into Latin America’s business if the countries defaulted on their loans
How does Roosevelt feel about foreign policy? Remember the Monroe Doctrine??? What did it say? The US stated in the 1820s that it would not allow European intervention in the Western Hemisphere. Basically, Latin America is our backyard---and European powers aren’t invited to the barbeque!!!
Roosevelt Corollary A corollary is an additional statement that follows logically from the first one. The Roosevelt Corollary is an addition to the Monroe Doctrine. Roosevelt reminds Europeans of the Monroe Doctrine, and goes on to add that if any problems were to come up in Latin America, that the US would be “forced to exercise an international police power.”
Great White Fleet Roosevelt sends some of the Navy to do America’s world tour! ( ) Shows the world that we’ve got a big bad navy! Named for the white color the hull was painted.
Format for Imperialism Test 10 Matching Questions 19 Multiple Choice Questions 6 Chronological Order (Sp. Am. War) 8 Cartoon/Visual Analysis 3 ID Readings for Pro/Anti Imperialist
Closer Thurs., 5/14 Complete the following Simile Summary! Imperialism is like _______________, because _______________________. We did this in previous units. You are all PROs at doing these successful!
Wednesday, 5/13 It is 1900 and you want to sell Hawaiian products in your New York City business. List the different paths of travel for your products. What is good/bad about them? Use the map provided.
Closer, 5/13 Create an Instagram post for the Panama Canal. Include the following: An image of the canal zone that you could have taken if you were to visit (past or present). A description of your image with at least three hashtags.
Tuesday, 5/12 Navies are important to Imperialistic success. How is that proven during the Spanish American War?
Wrap-up – 5/12/15 On a sheet of paper please write down and hand to me the following: 3 Things you have learned about the Spanish American War 2 Things you still do not understand about the Spanish American War 1 Thing that you already knew
Monday, 5/11 Please drop-off your warm-up/closer sheet from last week and your Pro/Anti-Imperialism poster for Hawaii or Alaska. Pick-up this week’s warm-up closer sheet and the worksheet called, “The Important Thing About... “ Complete that worksheet (by filling in the blanks so that it makes sense when reading it) for...
Class Grades 1 st Marking Period Grade x 40% (.40), plus 2 nd Marking Period Grade x 40% (.40), plus Final Exam Grade x 20% (.20), equals YOUR FINAL GRADE FOR THE CLASS!
Class Grades 61 x 40% (.40) = x 40% (.40) = x 20% (.20) = = 68.4% Final Grade
History Alive, pp
The Americans, pp (stop at “Filipinos Rebel”)
Closer – 5/11/15 Note the following about the Spanish American War: 3 Things you have learned about the Spanish American War 2 Things that were extreme about or during the Spanish American War 1 Thing that was absolutely true!
Friday, 5/07 In your opinion, is Imperialism a good idea or a bad idea for the United States?
No Specific Closer - Friday, 5/08 Pro/Anti-Annexation of Alaska and Hawaii Posters
Thursday, 5/07 Based on the information you have at this time, what are the who, what, where, when, and why’s of Imperialism ?
No Specific Closer - Thursday, 5/07 Researching Alaska and Hawaii
Wednesday, 5/06 After reviewing the political cartoon answer the following: What does the bald eagle represent? How could you use this cartoon to support American Imperialism? Get out your packet and look at the bottom of page 5 for a closer look!
To Do Right Now! In your packets complete the following pages: – #2 – Map (use your agenda book or an atlas to complete) – #3 – Note Sheet (use the goldenrod colored class set of readings provided) – #4 – Current Events on Crimea (answer questions) – #7 – “White Man’s Burden” (read and answer questions) – #6 – Anti-Imperialism Quotes Analysis
Passport to Imperialism
Closer – Wed., 5/06 Please complete the following 3-2-1: 3 Things you have learned about Imperialism 2 Things you still do not understand about Imperialism 1 Thing that you already knew
Previous Semester’s Slides Pull from these to modify for the current semester
Post-Test Test Check over everything and make sure it is your best work! Hand it in and pick-up holiday materials to work on. You may listen to music, but I should not hear it from your headphones.
No Specific Closer – Friday, 12/19 Finishing Imperialism Unit Test