Mrs. Stringer’s Pre-Algebra Class
Goal for this year – Be Positive! SSLANT Method for Students and Teachers Smile Sit Up Listen Ask Questions Nod When Being Spoken To Track With Your Eyes These rules will help us know that we are communicating with each other!
Class Expectations Do your BEST each and every day Come to school prepared to learn with supplies and assignments Follow the class rules and procedures Be responsible and accountable for your grades Ask questions Demonstrate a positive attitude and outstanding character in and outside of the classroom
Supplies Math binder with (3)dividers: Notes Homework Test Planner Lined paper (3) pencils sharpened with erasers every day Bring your folder to class everyday Red pen for grading Manual sharpener Highlighter Calculator
Grading Homework 10% Classwork20% Quizzes/Projects30% Tests40% You will earn your grades in mathematics. Assignments that are late will drop a letter grade for each day it is late (except HW). HW is graded on completion only (50, 75, 100). If you do not show your work you cannot earn 100.
Rules 1. Be seated and working, with supplies ready, when the bell rings. 2. Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat. 3. Turn in your best, neatest work on time. 4. Follow directions the first time they are given 5. No eating, chewing gum, drinking or grooming. 6. Turn off all cell phones, electronic devices & put in backpack at beginning of class. 7. Be respectful of others.
Classroom Procedures Please enter the classroom respectfully and quietly Take out your HW, workbook, binder, and supplies Be ready to work at the bell! Start your warm-up. It will be timed (5-7 min.) Review HW – grade it yourself or with a partner Start new lesson – note taking Class work assignment or practice Pack up 2 minutes before class ends Stay in seat and I will dismiss you – NOT the bell
Consequences Verbal Warning/Re-direct/Move seat Parent Contact Detention Referral ** Severe disruption of class will result in immediate removal from the classroom
Restroom Policy Students should attempt to use the restroom between classes. School policy prevents students from leaving the classroom the last 10 minutes of the period. It is important that you do not leave the class during instruction. Use Restroom Passes: fill out Restroom Pass with: RR Date Time Bring to me quietly and I will initial it When you return please put it in the box alphabetically
Cheating Policy All assignment, unless previously discussed, are to be completed independently. Please DO NOT cheat! You are only cheating yourself. If you do not understand a concept let me know so I can review it again prior to the quiz or test.