WELCOME TO Science!!!! Mrs. Johnson Room 411
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO LEARN? Microbiology Water Nutrition Biotech Earth History Chemistry Evolution and Genetics
1 ST BLOCK7:15-8:11 HR 8:11-8:26 2 nd BLOCK8:29-9:30 3 RD BLOCK9:33-10:29 WALK/LUNCH/READ10:34-10:58 WALK/LUNCH/READ10:58-11:23 WALK/LUNCH/READ11:23-11:52 5 TH BLOCK11:59-12:55 6 TH BLOCK12:58-1:54 ANNOUNCEMENTS1:54-2:00 BELL SCHEDULE
Class Expectations I expect every student to have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. I expect every student to show respect to myself and to others in the classroom. I expect every student to “TRY”!!!!!! I expect every student to work in my class, you are not here just to waste time.
LOCKER VISITS Before School After Third After Fourth Before Sixth Dismissal
BATHROOM BREAKS Team bathroom and water breaks are during second period You must have your planner to go to the restroom. No planner= No Restroom
CLASSROOM RULES Respect yourself and others. Listen attentively when the teacher and others are speaking. Practice self-discipline. Participate in activities and discussions. Bookbags are to be kept in lockers at all times!
Three Strikes = ASD 1.Strikes are determined by the teacher and the teacher only! 2.Consequences are to be determined by the teacher and type of offense 3.Strikes will be counted on the back board 4.Class procedures which are violated are strikes and the teacher as final discretion
CONSEQUENCES Verbal Warning or STRIKE Parent Contact Bounce/ASD Office Referral
Why do we have procedures? Without procedures there is no structure! Without structure there is no discipline! Without discipline there is no learning!
ENTERING THE ROOM Make sure you have all the necessary materials you need for the class. Enter the classroom quietly. Keep your hands and feet to yourselves (NO Physical Contact)!!!! All pencils must be sharpened before class begins. Go directly to your assigned seat and begin focus. After focus check Agenda on back board and copy information in your Agenda about due dates. You are not to leave your seat for any reason without permission from me.
DURING INSTRUCTION Listen to the teacher with your full attention. Voice levels are at level 0. You are not to leave your seat for any reason without permission from me. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions which are not related to the subject can be asked after instruction. After instruction make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you do not understand.
CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS Raise your hand to speak; wait to be called on. Speak in a classroom voice (no yelling). Do not interrupt another student when they are talking.
WHILE YOU ARE WORKING Make sure you read and/or listen to the directions about your work and you understand them. If you didn’t understand, ask students around you. If they also do not understand, ask the teacher. Do so by RAISING YOUR HAND! Voice level ”1” You may talk to the students around you about the WORK only, this is not social time. Voice levels should be no louder than a whisper. Students on the other side of the room should not be disturbed. Respect each other and be friendly. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.
WHERE TO FIND: Learning Targets and Homework are written on the back board. Student strikes on the front board. On the back table: – No Name Tray – Tray of Absent/Missing Assignments – Work Tray – Stapler, Tape and Hole Punch
WHEN YOU FINISH AN ASSIGNMENT If you finish an assignment early you can: – Read a book – Organize your notes – Review your binder – Work on your homework – Work on any work from another class – NOTE: No sleeping or talking allowed. Do not interfere with others who are still working.
HOW TO TURN IN ASSIGNMENTS Stack assignments for the group. Someone will pick up the assignments and place them in the Student Work tray. If you are turning in make-up work, place that work into the Student Work tray. I collect the work from the basket each day.
HOMEWORK Homework will be due according to the “Due Date” on the board Take your homework out at the start of class and place at the top of your desk. I will come by and check your homework while you are doing your focus question. You will receive a ‘100’ if you complete your homework. If not fully complete you leave it up to me. You will receive a ‘0’ if you did not complete your homework at all. You will be allowed to make it up at a point deduction. Some homework will be taken up and graded. I will let you know before hand which assignments these are.
MAKE-UP WORK Make-up work is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY….. Assignments for the week are in the file bins on the back wall counter. Check the assignment board for the day missed and get the appropriate assignment from files on back table. You have up to 3 days to complete the assignments for full credit. Each day after will result in a 10 point deduction. After 4 days a ’60’ will be assigned and the assignment will not be collected.
LATE WORK Work will not be accepted at full credit late unless you are absent the previous day. Assignments/projects that are given a due date turned in late will result in a 10 point deduction.
WHEN I WANT YOUR ATTENTION Ask for your Attention Stop what you are doing. Focus on me and wait for instructions. Voice Level 0 All attention should be on the teacher for instructions.
Everyday Class Materials 1 ½ three ring binder – 5 dividers – Loose leaf paper Pencils Agenda
Pencils must be sharpened prior to class or with permission. During announcements voice level is at level 0. If the phone rings, only I will answer it. You are not to leave your seat without permission for any reason. MISC. STUFF
CLASS DISMISSAL I dismiss the class, not the bell. Stay in your seat until I dismiss you. 6 th block – level 0 during announcements When bus riders are dismissed place your chairs on the desks.
THAT’S IT !!!!! If we all follow the rules and procedures outlined we are guaranteed to have a great year …. So let’s get started.