Welcome to 4 th /5 th Grade! Ms. Daly Room 29
My classroom door will usually be open by 7:35 a.m. Don’t line up! Instead, come straight into the room and put your backpack away. Also get everything you will need for the day out of your backpack and have your pencils sharpened. Everyone should be in their seats when the bell rings at 8:45!
Please don’t talk when Ms. Daly is talking!
Please raise your hand if you have a comment or question.
Please use the following sign language symbols in class: Comment Question/Inquiry Answer
Sign Language (Continued) Volunteer Water Restroom “U” are Quiet
If you need to sharpen your pencil, simply raise your pencil in the air.
Please don’t get out of your seat unless you have permission!
Keep both feet and all 4 chair legs on the floor…no tilting!
Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
Table Points On Friday, the winning table gets a piece of candy and a raffle ticket.
Here’s how you can earn Table Points: Everyone present and on time Everyone turned in all homework Everyone working quietly at your table Table mate answers a test review question correctly Everyone makes quick and quiet transition Desks and floor area clean at the end of the day Everyone gets 100% on spelling test Participation in Running Club (one point each)
Raffle Tickets Collect 15 tickets and you can draw a prize from the prize box!
Here’s how you can earn raffle tickets: Be the Table Captain for the week Do an assigned classroom job Be on task during work time Do a random act of kindness Be the table with the most points on Friday Any reason Ms. Daly chooses
Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday. Assignments are due the next day, except for the Reading Log
Reading Logs are due on Friday
Homework Heroes Party Those students who turn in all homework ON TIME each week will be eligible for a pizza party at the end of the trimester!
Anyone who regularly refuses to do their homework will have to face the consequences!
Student Leaders Place your nominations for two student leaders to represent our class in the ballot box. The class will vote on these in the next few days.
Procedure for walking in line Walk in a straight line directly behind the person in front of you! Do not walk shoulder-to-shoulder with anyone! If we are in a hallway or near classrooms, please talk very quietly. Do not stomp your feet or make loud noises of any kind (laughing, shouting, singing, etc.) Mind the gap!
I know we’re going to have a great year together! Let’s get started!