5 th and 6 th Social Studies Hope Angell – *Remind 101 *Class Dojo *Website * s *Parent Portal
Students learn more when they are having fun! I have high expectations! They will work hard, learn to take notes from reading and lectures, and learn to study for tests and quizzes; however, the most important thing they will learn in my class is how to be a strong citizen and how to lead themselves. To help them develop leadership skills, we will complete team challenges called Mind Missions regularly. I expect my students to learn to collaborate, to listen to others and work together, to think creatively, and to use their time wisely. I expect them to always do their personal best! My Philosophy:
In 5 th grade American History, students will study the history of the United States from 1565 to the present. Historical content includes the colonial period, the American Revolution, the establishment of the U.S. Constitution and American government, westward expansion, the Civil War and Reconstruction, immigration and industrialization, and the 20th and 21st centuries. Students study a variety of regions in the United States that result from physical features and human activity and identify how people adapt to and modify the environment. Students will be expected to learn the location and spelling of the states and capitals of the United States. Leadership concepts will be woven throughout the curriculum. Everything rises and falls on leadership. 5 th Grade: US History Curriculum Highlights:
In 6 th grade SS, students will study people, places, and societies of the contemporary world. Students will analyze the influence of individuals and groups on historical and contemporary events in those societies and identify the locations and geographic characteristics of various societies. Students will identify different ways of organizing economic and governmental systems. The concepts of limited and unlimited government will be introduced, and students will describe the nature of citizenship in various societies. Students will compare institutions common to all societies such as government, education, and religious institutions. Students will explain how the level of technology affects the development of the various societies and identify different points of view about events. Leadership concepts will be woven throughout the curriculum. Everything rises and falls on leadership. 6 th Grade: World Cultures Curriculum Highlights:
Developing Leaders: The 7 Habits Habit 1: Be Proactive® Take responsibility for my life Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind® Define my mission and goals in life Habit 3: Put First Things First® Prioritize, and do the most important things first Habit 4: Think Win-Win® Have an everyone-can-win attitude Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® Listen to people sincerely Habit 6: Synergize® Work together to achieve more Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw® Renew myself regularly
Unfinished classwork will need to be completed as homework. Unless otherwise noted, assignments are due the next class period. On occasion, students may have reading/notes assignment for homework due the next class period. Approximately once a quarter, students will have a SS project to work on at home such as the Civil War games. Students who use their class time and PAWS time well may be able to complete all work at school. Students will need to study for tests and quizzes. Most students need parent help learning how to study. We discuss strategies at school, but they need someone to practice with them. Homework:
Grades are uploaded by Monday each week. It is the parents responsibility to monitor their child’s grades on-line. We will provide progress reports and report cards. We encourage you to set a value alert on your program. For example, you can set the program to you for any grade below a 70%. When we enter grades, we will enter a zero for missing work. The grade will be updated if the work is received the next class period. A maximum grade of 70% is given on late work. Unexcused absences result in zeros. Classwork/Homework:40% Tests/Quizzes:40% Projects:20% *Midterm/Final Test or Project:10% of final semester grade Grades
E=ExcellentDemonstrates the 7 Habits of Leadership Skills: on a regularly basis. 1) Being proactive, 2) Begin with the end in mind, 3) Put first things first, 4) Think win-win, 5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood, 6) Synergize, 7) Sharpen the saw S=SatisfactoryConsistently and independently demonstrates positive behaviors, attitudes, and effort. N=Needs ImprovementGenerally demonstrates positive behaviors, attitude and effort toward the stated goal with few reminders. U=UnsatisfactoryNeeds frequent reminders to demonstrate appropriate behavior, attitude or effort. Grading Policy for Specials-9 Week Period
Notebook for SS Binder with a section for SS Colored pencils Pens (2) Pencils (2 sharpened) Optional: Markers **Textbooks are provided. If a student takes it home, they must have it when they come to class the next time. Supplies
Each student is encouraged to bring a healthy snack and water bottle to school each day. Snack and Water Bottles
When: September Where: Camp JOLT on Lake Texoma Cost: $200 for students and chaperones What to Bring: packing list will be ed with our weekly updates. Forms and $200 due September 16th. Please see Ms. Holland if you would like to give towards camp scholarships. Camp JOLT: Meeting following!
And We Are Off to Camp: Chaperones, please stay after for a short meeting!
Model Leadership—set a good example Supervise and encourage Spread out on the bus Give each other breaks, but don’t leave the students alone Be creative! Ideas: bandanas, games, snacks, team activities, telescope, etc. Chaperone Expectations: