The FIRST DAY of the SECOND SEMESTER Keyport High School I am Mr. Wesley. WELCOME!
Incentives 1. Praise 2. Parent contact 3. Praise referral 4. Nomination for student of the month award
Disciplinary Procedures 1 st offence- Warning 2 nd offence- Detention 3 rd offence- Referral to the office This procedure may be altered according to the severity of the offense!!!!
Classroom Policies and Procedures What’s the Difference? Policies…tell you what I expect from you. Procedures explain— how something is to be done in the classroom. Procedures are like recipes.
Classroom Policies 1. Students are to bring all required materials and supplies to class each day. 2. Students are to be in their seats, quiet, and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. (BE ON TIME) 3. Students are to follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Students are to raise their hand to be recognized before speaking. 5. Adhere to the student handbook. (Students should not eat, drink, or chew gum in the classroom, Cell Phones, Dress Code) 6. Do your own work. 7. Let me teach and others learn.
Please be prepared for class. Do the reading I assign prior to class. Do H.W. prior to class. Have your notebook and pen/pencil. P rior P reparation P revents P oor P erformance
Being Prepared and Writing Utensils Being Prepared Bring all required materials each day. Textbook, 3-ring binder, loose leaf paper, pen and a pencil Writing Utensils a.Students may use a pencil or a pen (blue or black ink) b.Blue or black ink should be used for formal writing assignments. c.Typed or computer generated work will be accepted with prior approval of the teacher.
BE ON TIME!!! This means that when the bell rings… you’re in your seat, ready to work! It will make your life easier if you are on time—for class, school, work, dates on Saturday night…etc. 15 Minutes Late = 1 Absence 3 Late=Central Detention
Follow directions the first time they are given. Do what you are asked…the first time I ask you.
Raising Hand Policy Raise your hand to speak in class and wait until you are acknowledged.
Follow the rules of the student handbook. Cell phones/ electronics. Dress code. Attendance. Lateness. Drinks/Food IT IS ONLINE ON THE SCHOOL’S WEBPAGE!!!
Do your own work. Don’t plagiarize or attempt to cheat…you’ll earn a zero for the assignment. “Reputations are hard to earn and easy to lose.”—unknown.
Always let me TEACH and others LEARN. My most important policy!
TEXTBOOKS YOU ARE RESPONISBLE FOR YOUR BOOK Prentice Hall US History $90.97 Prentice Hall World History $84.47
Restroom and Water Procedure Restroom a.Students should use the restroom before class if possible. b. After entering the classroom, students will not be allowed to leave until ten minutes after start and no passes will be given last ten minutes. c.Abuse of bathroom will result in loss of privileges unless it is an extreme emergency. d.Raise 3 fingers to use the bathroom, if permission is given, sign out in the class log book. Use ONLY BATHROOM PASS! Water a. Students should get water before class.
Fmr. President Bush even knows!
Entering and Exiting Class Procedure Entering Class A.After entering the room, students may not leave without permission. B.Students may not leave books and materials outside the classroom for any reason C.Upon entering, students should go to their assigned seats and prepare for class. D.Begin working on Do-Now or listening to teacher directions Exiting Class A.The teacher will dismiss the class Not The Bell. B.Do not pack books to exit class until instructed to do so by the teacher. C.Students are responsible for cleaning the area around their desks before leaving the room. D.Students may not leave any materials in the classroom. Doing so may result in the items being thrown out.
Walking In The Hallways as a Class Procedure A.Students are expected to walk in a straight line when in the hallway. B.There will be NO TALKING in line-- Other students are still in class. C.All class rules apply in the hallway.
Late Procedure. There are two types of lates--- excused and unexcused. If you have a pass—place it on my desk and take a seat, try not to interrupt class. If you don’t have a pass—sign the late sheet in the back of the room and I’ll see you on Thursday for a 15 min teacher detention.
Maintaining Your Notebook Procedure Your Notebook a.Keep the following in your notebook: Class syllabus, class notes, homework, and Do- Now’s. b.All materials must be dated and in the right order. c.Notebooks may be checked at any time. This grade will count as a Minor assignment.
Papers Procedures Paper usage Writing on the back of homework and class work is NOT permitted. Do not hand write on final drafts. Do not write on the bottom line of the paper, go to next page. Heading Papers Write your name, date, and Student ID NUMBER on the paper. Write your last name and number on any following pages in the upper right hand corner. Do not fold papers!!! USE A STAPLE Passing in papers Each student should place their paper on top of the stack handed to them and pass them to the front. Teacher will collect them.
Pencil Sharpening and Trash Procedures Pencil Sharpening a.Students are to sharpen pencils upon entering the classroom b.If your lead breaks during class and if your have no other writing utensil, raise your hand and wait for further instructions. Trash a.Trash will be thrown away when your are dismissed from class. Keep it at your desk until you are dismissed. b.Pick up all paper around your desk before leaving the room. c.DO NOT papers in an attempt to make it in the garbage can.
Unexcused Absences and Late Work.
Unexcused Absences… You are responsible for anything missed in class, for homework, and/or tests/quizzes, etc. Get the material from a friend. OR, if necessary make an APPOINTMENT to see me after school to make up anything missed.
Late Work Procedure DUE DATE and Deadline Date. Late work will only be accepted the day after it is due PRIOR TO THE START OF CLASS. Unless something “crazy” happened— late work will NOT be accepted after the deadline date.
Fire Drill (or the real-thing) Procedure. Find our RALLY POINT— described to you. Wait quietly. DO NOT go anywhere but to our RALLY POINT! I’ll call off your NAME We’ll all make sure everyone is OUT! Wait for further instructions.
Be MOTIVATED to SUCCEED! You can pass my class! You can do as well as you wish. It will require: Personal Responsibility Hard Work Your Attention
A Little about Me I grew up in Clark I went to Roselle Catholic H.S. I went to college at Kean University I started teaching in Keyport in This is my 12 th year. I’m married to Mrs. Wesley (Room 306) Some of my favorite things (besides my wife): Reality TV…yeah buddy… David Hasselhoff…Xbox…Star Wars…bow tie Tuesdays…. Hawaiian shirts…and my dog Cooper