On The Ocean Floor By: Nicole Edwards & Gabrielle Burno
Summary of Unit: This unit was designed to introduce students (age 4) to the different animals, plants, and environmental cues that may be found in an ocean through various interactive classroom activities. This unit was designed to introduce students (age 4) to the different animals, plants, and environmental cues that may be found in an ocean through various interactive classroom activities.
Essential Questions: What is an ocean? What is an ocean? What animals can be found in the ocean? What animals can be found in the ocean? What can we do to protect our oceans? What can we do to protect our oceans? If you could be any ocean animal what would you be? Why? If you could be any ocean animal what would you be? Why?
Objectives: The children will paritcipate ina group game.answer question the question provided on the activity worksheet and draw an illustration of what was said. The children will paritcipate ina group game.answer question the question provided on the activity worksheet and draw an illustration of what was said. The children will create an ocean scene in a box. The children will create an ocean scene in a box. The children will complete a literacy Worksheet based on the ocean theme. The children will complete a literacy Worksheet based on the ocean theme.
DCPS Integrated Standards: Reading Reading Engage in oral exchanges about a topic with peers and adults Engage in oral exchanges about a topic with peers and adults Initiate and/or extend conversations with peers and adults using multiple exchanges Initiate and/or extend conversations with peers and adults using multiple exchanges Demonstrate understanding explanations Demonstrate understanding explanations Listen to story attentively Listen to story attentively Ask questions to get information, ask for help, clarify something that is not understood. Ask questions to get information, ask for help, clarify something that is not understood. Answer questions with increasing complexity Answer questions with increasing complexity Follow directions of two or more steps Follow directions of two or more steps Retail story events in a sequence Retail story events in a sequence Use words to describe concrete objects, actions, and feelings Use words to describe concrete objects, actions, and feelings Integrate new vocabulary into conversations with peers and adults Integrate new vocabulary into conversations with peers and adults
Integrated DCPS Standards: Reading (contd.) Reading (contd.) Ask questions to acquire a new vocabulary Ask questions to acquire a new vocabulary Treat books with care Treat books with care Understand concepts of title, author, and illustrator Understand concepts of title, author, and illustrator Use pictures as clues to the text. Understand the concept of the term The End. Use pictures as clues to the text. Understand the concept of the term The End. Identify words that rhyme in the story Identify words that rhyme in the story Identify 10 or more letters Identify 10 or more letters Name letters in familiar words Name letters in familiar words Begin to make sound letter connections Begin to make sound letter connections Use books to find information Use books to find information
DCPS Integrated Standards: Mathematics Mathematics
Create Ocean Book Create Ocean Book Reading Reading Art Art Social Science Literacy Ocean Cups Sensory Table Math Group Discussion and Activity (If you Could be any ocean animal what would you be? Why?) Dive under the sea game Read “ Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea” Create an Ocean book Worksheet (Matching beginning sounds of words to the correct ocean animal) Goldfish activity Ocean animals number mobile Cut & paste ocean animals Open-ended artLacing & Stuffing Fish Ocean scene in a box Starfish necklaces