RFQ/P Opportunity Site 1 (1.4 acres) Catalyst Retail Anchor Tenant Site 2 (.54 acres) & 4 (.63 acres) Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail Site 3 (1.07 acres) Stand alone retail or high density residential with retail on 3 rd Retail Shell (4KSF) 4KSF Restaurant/Retail 4 Development Sites + Retail Shell
Site 1--DOWNTOWN MALL Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use Two+ stories desired for new development or stand-alone commercial uses consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown Ground Floor Retail required along Monterey Road Site identified to site major commercial use which would act as a catalyst for the overall revitalization of the Downtown area’ Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 1.49 Acres (7 parcels) Desired Use: Catalyst Anchor Retail Site Six of the seven parcels recommended For Sale for Future Development. One parcel (APN ), a residential duplex is recommended For Sale at market rate MONTEREY RD.
SITE 2--2 ND ST. & MONTEREY RD. Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use Two+ stories desired for new development or stand-alone commercial uses consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown. Ground Floor Retail required along Monterey Road Stand-alone commercial uses would also be consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown. Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 0.54 Acres (3 parcels) Desired Use: Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail 2 ND ST. MONTEREY RD. 3 RD ST.
SITE 3--DEPOT ST. Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use Stand alone retail or high density residential with retail on 3 rd Ground Floor Retail required along 3 rd Street Site across from Caltrain Station and along 3 rd Street Promenade Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 1.07 Acres (1 parcel) Desired Use: Stand alone retail or high density residential with retail on 3 rd *$2 M Option to Purchase expires in 2016 DEPOT DEPOT
SITE 4--3 RD & MONTEREY RD. Recommended for Future Development* Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use Two+ stories desired for new development or stand-alone commercial uses consistent with the City’s goals of promoting the ongoing revitalization of the Downtown. Ground Floor Retail required along Monterey Road and 3 rd Street Site identified to act as gateway to 3 rd Street Promenade Eligible for residential allocations (exempt from competition process) Size: 0.63 Acres (4 parcels) Desired Use: Stand alone retail or mixed of uses with retail THIRD ST. FOURTH ST.
RETAIL SHELL Zoning: CBD, Mixed-Use Stand-alone retail shell available for retail or restaurant tenant Site identified to act as gateway to 3 rd Street Promenade Site adjacent to 275-space public parking structure Size: 4,000 SF Desired Use: Restaurant/Retail
Morgan Hill Demographics 42,000 Population 124k Average HH Income 65% College Educated Median Age 36 Median Housing Value $580k 1.3 M visitors to Sport Facilities 800 Hotel Rooms, 21 Wineries Nearby
Downtown Opportunity Sites Morgan Hill Currently Surrounded By: 123k SF Occupied Retail Space with Over 30 Restaurants 300 New Multi Family Housing Units 1,502 Parking Spaces Available City has money to invest: $25M for Future Investment Downtown Eligible for Residential Incentives: avg $31K/du
For more information contact: Edith Ramirez Anne Stedler