The case of Spectrum Sweaters Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Overview The Ready Made Garment (RMG) sector for Bangladesh The Spectrum factory collapse – cause and effect Multinational responses - Rights vs Relief Elements of the Scheme and the socalled ‘Purdah’ Project Some outcomes and initiatives Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Bangladesh in the the Global Apparel Production and Value Chain Raw materials Processing Component Networks Assembly Export Networks Retail Networks Logistics After G. Gereffi 2001 Backward linkageForward Linkage
The RMG Sector – Some indicators $16.2 Billion export earnings Ranked 4 th apparel exporter by the WTO 80% of 2 million workforce are female- Rural migrants Amongst lowest wage rates in the industry Worst factory health and safety record Excessive working hours Non compliance a major issue High degree of sub-contracting in the RMG
Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
7 th Floor: Sweater operators Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
3 rd Floor: Circular Knitting Machines Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Ground floor: Dyeing machines Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
The ‘Trigger' Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
The Human and Social Cost Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010 64 dead – 27 married with dependants 80% of wives have no income 118 dependant relatives identified 54 injured – 30 married 125 dependants 2,700 workers unemployed overnight Wages not collected Widows are particularly vulnerable
Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010 Taka state provision Taka top up by BGMEA Euro 950 Compensation for workplace fatality in Bangladesh in 2005
Company Responses Relief – Friendship Fastrack Initiative Rights- Inditex-ITGLWF Voluntary Relief Scheme Carrefour KarstadtQuelle Cotton Group Steilmann Scapino Inditex Arcandor (formerly Karstadtquelle Solo Invest New Wave Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Relief vs Rights FriendshipInditex/ITGLWF Immediate Fasttrack relief Rickshaw vans – sewing machines Income generation activities - choice controlled by the NGO – e.g. milk cow, land, shop Replicable Pension Scheme Enhanced compensation Plus cover for loss of earnings Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Two Innovations A Replicable Pension Scheme A ‘Purdah’ Project Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
The Pension Scheme Information Requirements Personal Data The Yield Curve Pension Data Lump Sum Exchange Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Personal Data: Fact Finding Mission Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Pension Scheme: Personal Data Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Purdah data Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Calculating the Yield Curve Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Calculating the Pension Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Calculating the Lump Sum Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Converting and allowing for Exchange Rate fluctuations Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Allowing for Bangladesh Inheritance Law Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Some outcomes and initiatives GLOBAL: International Framework Agreement between Inditex and the ITGLWF Potential replicable tool for LDCs Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Some outcomes and initiatives NATIONAL Export Promotion Bureau set up a compliance monitoring cell Worker Welfare Foundation Act 2006 and New Labour Act Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Some outcomes and planned initiatives Industry wide in the RMG Insurance premium for member firms Pension Scheme Safety Nets Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Some outcomes and planned initiatives New survey on violence against women (VAW) Risk assessment tool for widows and children Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010
Some outcomes and initiatives Greater trade union involvement Fact Finding Mission Social dialogue with the Government and the BGMEA (employers association) on a compensation scheme for the industry Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010