Employment Re-designations Accommodating more jobs inside the UGB Planning Commission
Jobs Vision New Employment Designation New Mixed Use Employment Zone Flexible Zoning
Plan Designations
Add West 11 th Employment Designation Map
Staff seeks policy direction from the Planning Commission on the 4 areas, below (see 4 questions on following slide).
Rezoning Options 1. R-1 Residential area on Stewart Road Re-zone to E-2 or ?? Now or later? Planning Commission directed staff to work with the property owners to reach a solution to the current plan-zone conflict. 2. South side of West 11 th, Amazon Creek to Garfield Mix of C-2, C-4 and I-2. Re-zone I-2 and C-4 to C-2 or E-2 zone? Planning Commission favored C-2 Community Commercial zone th Avenue, Chambers, Broadway, and Garfield Area Mix of C-2, C-4, I-2, and Special Chambers C-2. Re-zone I-2 and C-4 to C-2 or E-2 zone? Planning Commission favored C-2 zone on W. 6 th and 7 th Avenues; additional analysis needed on Garfield Street. 4. Heavy Industrial Area (McKinley Street to Seneca, N. of 11th) Re-zone to E-2 Mixed Use Employment now or later? Planning Commission reached no consensus; additional analysis to follow.
Employment + Industry Zones Code Amendments to Promote Mixed Use, Office and Manufacturing Employment
Chad Drive
Greenhill Technology Park
Willow Creek
E-1 Campus Employment P ROPOSED C ODE AMENDMENTS 1. Rename E-1 Campus Employment. 2. Liberalize the use list. 3. Remove barriers to employment opportunities. 4. Maintain campus character. 5. Improve residential compatibility. 6. Diversify the suburban business park.
E-1 Campus Employment 2. L IBERALIZE THE USE LIST. Examples o Respond to market allow Medical clinics, Office uses outright. o General simplification remove specifics like Healthcare Informatics, allow same use under general use Science & Educational Research Center. o Allow supportive uses gym, day care, restaurant.
E-1 Campus Employment 3. A DDRESS B ARRIERS TO E MPLOYMENT O PPORTUNITIES. Examples o Delete note Special Use Limitation 1. 50% of SF must be a single tenant. 50% of SF on ground floor must be industrial use. No more than 50% of SF on ground floor can office or commercial. o Delete “business park” process. Un-mapped zone. Forces coordination among multiple property owners.
E-1 Campus Employment 4. M AINTAIN CAMPUS CHARACTER. o Retain 20% landscape area. o Allow outdoor storage with screening. o Large Commercial Facility standards. Does not comply with Large Commercial Facility standards.
E-1 Campus Employment L ARGE C OMMERCIAL F ACILITY STANDARDS. Orientation to the Street. 25% transparency at ground level. Articulation; No long, blank walls. Colonnade, Covered entry Weather protection X Parking at side or rear Due to the suburban location, Planning Commission directed staff to allow some parking in the front.
E-1 Campus Employment 5. I MPROVE RESIDENTIAL COMPATIBILITY. Examples o Introduce height limit 80 feet ≈ 6 stories o Stepdown transition next to residential zones. o Retain L-3 High Screen Landscape standard. o Parking location to the side and rear.
E-1 Campus Employment S TEPDOWN TRANSITION NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Proposed Code text “…in the E-1 and E-2 zones, no portion of a building located within 50 feet of a residential zone shall exceed the maximum building height permitted in the abutting residential zone.”
E-1 Campus Employment S TEPDOWN TRANSITION NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Abutting Residential Zone E-1 Campus Employment zone 50-feet stepdown R-1 = 30 feet R-2 = 35 feet
E-1 Campus Employment R ETAIN L-3 H IGH S CREEN L ANDSCAPE STANDARD. o Parking location to the side and rear.
E-1 Campus Employment P ARKING LOCATION TO THE SIDE AND REAR. Abutting Residential Zone Increased separation + Additional landscaping Due to the suburban location, Planning Commission directed staff to allow some parking between buildings and the street.
E-1 Campus Employment 6. D IVERSIFY THE SUBURBAN BUSINESS PARK. o Small-scale retail & restaurant: 2,000 s.f. Planning Commission requested staff reevaluate the small scale retail allowance to allow larger retail establishments. o Comparables:
W. 11 th Avenue
E-2 General Employment A NEW ZONE FOR A CHANGING ECONOMY. 1. Concept – mix of commercial, industrial and residential uses. 2. Do no harm to existing business. 3. Provide clarity and consistency in standards. 4. Pedestrian friendly and transit supportive.
E-2 General Employment 1. C ONCEPT – MIX OF COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USES. Planning Commission approved of the mixed-use concept, but directed staff to provide more flexibility (i.e., greater retail s.f.) along the key transit corridors and arterial roads SVDP Lamb Building
E-2 General Employment 2. D O NO HARM TO EXISTING BUSINESS. o Retain C-4 permitted uses. o Retain I-2 permitted uses. o Development standards apply to new construction & redevelopment. o Goal is no non-conforming uses or structures!
E-2 General Employment 3. P ROVIDE CLARITY AND CONSISTENCY IN STANDARDS. o Create similar urban form + street face o Replicate existing standards (e.g., C-2) in corridor
E-2 General Employment 4. P EDESTRIAN FRIENDLY AND TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE o Parking to side or rear. o Building orientation to the street. o Vertical mixed-use higher bar to entry, employment remains predominant. o Front setbacks analysis is ongoing. Planning Commission expressed concern about 0’ front setback in Commercial zones and potential conflicts caused with EmX or future wider sidewalks. Need larger setbacks.
E-2 General Employment P EDESTRIAN FRIENDLY AND TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE. o Revise drive-through standards to balance automotive needs and improved pedestrian access. The drive aisle cannot circle the building. o Along the W. 11 th corridor, TacoTime, Arby’s, Jack in the Box, Home Federal Bank, Hawaiian Time, & SELCO would comply with proposed concept.
E-2 General Employment P EDESTRIAN FRIENDLY AND TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE. o Revise drive-through standards.
E-2 General Employment
E-2 Mixed Employment S TEPDOWN TRANSITION NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Abutting Residential Zone E-2 Mixed Employment zone 50-feet stepdown R-1 = 30 feet R-2 = 35 feet
Stakeholders 2 public open houses o West Eugene o Chad Drive News to interested parties & EE List (500pp) 35+ interviews o Private property owners o Commercial real estate brokers o Business owners o Design + development professionals Working Group to Review Code: August Planning Commission: Sept. 16 th work session
Employment + Industry Zones Code Amendments to Promote Mixed Use, Office & Manufacturing Employment