Does Population Affect the Growth of Alfalfa? By: Abby, Bella, and Nick
Questions How does the amount alfalfa seeds affect the ratio of seeds that sprout? Will seeds grow better in ‘squished’ environments or less ‘squished’ environments?
Hypothesis The population of the group of seeds that have the middle amount will do the best.
Variables Dependent Variable Number of stems that sprout / number of plants that emerge Independent Variable Amount of seeds in each bag and in each cup Controlled Variables Pot size, soil, water amount, and light
Graph of Sprouted Seeds # of Seeds
Pie Graphs of Sprouted Seeds 31 seeds Sprouted 19 seeds Non-Sprouted 76 seeds Sprouted 24 seeds Non-Sprouted 120 seeds Sprouted 30 seeds Non-Sprouted 159 seeds Sprouted 41 seeds Non-Sprouted
Graph of Growing Seeds # of Seeds
Pie Graphs of Growing Seeds 38 Non-Emerged 2 Emerged 39 Non-Emerged 1 Emerged 147 Non-Emerged 13 Emerged
Data Table of Sprouted Seeds Amount of Seeds Put in a Paper Towel Ratio of Seeds that Sprouted to Seeds that were Put in a Paper Towel 5031: : : :200
Data Table of Emerging Seeds Cup NumbersRatio of How Many Plants Emerged from the Soil to How Many Sprouts were Planted #1-4CUP 1) 1:5 CUP 2) 0:5 CUP 3) 0:5 CUP 4) 0:5 #5-8CUP 5) 0:10 CUP 6) 0:10 CUP 7) 1:5 CUP 8) 0:10 #9-12CUP 9) 0:20 CUP 10) 1:20 CUP 11) 0:20 CUP 12) 0:20 #13-16CUP 13) 0:40 CUP 14) 1:40 CUP 15) 1:8 CUP 16) 7:40
Conclusion We reject our hypothesis because, the ratio of plants that sprouted to the plants that were placed in the paper towel was not as we predicted: the middle amount would do the best. Some things that could of possibly skewed our data was the soil. It didn’t absorb the water. We also found lots of rocks and a few worms in our soil, which could of skewed our data, too.