SCIENCE DICTIONARY Randall Block C Grade 11
Qualitative Information Definition :The information that is connected with how good something is. Describe the room temperature by using qualitative information. The temperature is melting. Definition :The information that is connected with how good something is. Describe the room temperature by using qualitative information. The temperature is melting.
Quantitative Information Definition: The information that is connected with amount and number of something. Describe the room temperature by using quantitative information. The temperature is about 35 degree. Definition: The information that is connected with amount and number of something. Describe the room temperature by using quantitative information. The temperature is about 35 degree.
Observation Definition: The action of watching something carefully and get some information. Most information was collected by direct observation of the human’s behavior. Definition: The action of watching something carefully and get some information. Most information was collected by direct observation of the human’s behavior.
Interpretation Definition: A way to understand and explain something. Everyone is able to put their own interpretation on the theory of chemistry. Definition: A way to understand and explain something. Everyone is able to put their own interpretation on the theory of chemistry.
Description Definition: A piece of writing or speech use descriptive language to say what something is like Mr Usman issued a description of the experiment. Definition: A piece of writing or speech use descriptive language to say what something is like Mr Usman issued a description of the experiment.
Data Definition: A set of number that is tested or examined after experiment. Every time we finish a experiment, we will work on interpretation of the data. Definition: A set of number that is tested or examined after experiment. Every time we finish a experiment, we will work on interpretation of the data.
Experiment Definition: The scientific test that is done in order to study what happen to study what happens and to gain new knowledge. Evaporation separation can separate salt from water, proved by experiment. Definition: The scientific test that is done in order to study what happen to study what happens and to gain new knowledge. Evaporation separation can separate salt from water, proved by experiment.
Hypothesis Definition: The idea or explanation of something that is under demonstration. It should have few known facts. The thing we should done before the experiment is to make a hypothesis. We can compare the result with hypothesis and learn from it. Definition: The idea or explanation of something that is under demonstration. It should have few known facts. The thing we should done before the experiment is to make a hypothesis. We can compare the result with hypothesis and learn from it.
Theory Definition: A set of formal ideas need to explain why. According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light. Definition: A set of formal ideas need to explain why. According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.
Law Definition: It should be a official idea. Everyone in this world must obey The law of gravity was invented by Newton. Definition: It should be a official idea. Everyone in this world must obey The law of gravity was invented by Newton.
Matter Definition: Generally, everything in the world consists of MATTER. It is a physical substance. Different matter have their own properties. Definition: Generally, everything in the world consists of MATTER. It is a physical substance. Different matter have their own properties.
Physical property Definition: Properties that can be observed by changing the chemical status Intensive and extensive is a kind of physical property. They both have not create new substance. Definition: Properties that can be observed by changing the chemical status Intensive and extensive is a kind of physical property. They both have not create new substance.
Chemical property Definition: Properties that can be observed with creating new substance. Burning is a chemical property, it can produce new substance. Definition: Properties that can be observed with creating new substance. Burning is a chemical property, it can produce new substance.
Extensive Property Definition: This physical property can be affected by mass or size change. Extensive property is a property that can be affected by mass and number change. Definition: This physical property can be affected by mass or size change. Extensive property is a property that can be affected by mass and number change.
Intensive Property Definition: This physical property does not depend on things’ size or mass. Intensive property is a property that can not be affected by mass and number change. Definition: This physical property does not depend on things’ size or mass. Intensive property is a property that can not be affected by mass and number change.
Solids Definition: A kind of property that can’t conform with the shape of the container. The volume doesn’t change. It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid. Definition: A kind of property that can’t conform with the shape of the container. The volume doesn’t change. It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid.
Liquids Definition: A kind of property that conform with the shape of the container. The transition from liquid to vapour is a physical property. Definition: A kind of property that conform with the shape of the container. The transition from liquid to vapour is a physical property.
Gases Definition: Substance that is not liquid or solid. Air is a mixture of gases. It has nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and noble gases. Definition: Substance that is not liquid or solid. Air is a mixture of gases. It has nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and noble gases.
Hardness Definition: Substance that can’t be hammered of folded. The flexibility should be bad if the object have hardness. Definition: Substance that can’t be hammered of folded. The flexibility should be bad if the object have hardness.
Malleability Definition: Metal that can be hit or pressed into different shapes without breaking it. Malleability is utilized widely in Golden jewelry. Definition: Metal that can be hit or pressed into different shapes without breaking it. Malleability is utilized widely in Golden jewelry.
Ductility Definition: Metal that can be made into wire Enough ductility make metal have ability to become different shapes. Definition: Metal that can be made into wire Enough ductility make metal have ability to become different shapes.
Lustre Definition: An object has an ability to reflect on the surface. Lustre is a vital property that make jewelry shining. Definition: An object has an ability to reflect on the surface. Lustre is a vital property that make jewelry shining.
Viscosity Definition: It is an ability to stick on any surface. The viscosity can be affected by temperature change. Definition: It is an ability to stick on any surface. The viscosity can be affected by temperature change.
Diffusion Definition: the property of being spread. Sugar dissolve in water is a process of diffusion. Definition: the property of being spread. Sugar dissolve in water is a process of diffusion.
Vapour Definition: It is a kind of gas that has many small drops of liquid in the air. EX: steam The water heat to its boiling point, it becomes vapour. Definition: It is a kind of gas that has many small drops of liquid in the air. EX: steam The water heat to its boiling point, it becomes vapour.
Element Definition: A chemical substance that is consist of only one type of atoms. Au, Ag and Hg are element and they are members in the periodic table. Definition: A chemical substance that is consist of only one type of atoms. Au, Ag and Hg are element and they are members in the periodic table.
Atom Definition: In a chemical reaction, it is the smallest part of a chemical element. Substances are the combination of atoms. Definition: In a chemical reaction, it is the smallest part of a chemical element. Substances are the combination of atoms.
Molecule Definition: The simplest structural unit of an element or compound. Molecule can be the result of the combination of atoms. Definition: The simplest structural unit of an element or compound. Molecule can be the result of the combination of atoms.
Ion Definition: Atoms and molecules with positive or negative electric charge. Ion charge shows us atom or molecule gaining or losing atoms. Definition: Atoms and molecules with positive or negative electric charge. Ion charge shows us atom or molecule gaining or losing atoms.
Particle Definition: It is small pieces of matter. EX: proton Dust is made of many small particle. Definition: It is small pieces of matter. EX: proton Dust is made of many small particle.
Homogenous substance Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has same ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. In homogenous mixture, Substances has the same peroperty. Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has same ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. In homogenous mixture, Substances has the same peroperty.
Heterogenous substance Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has different ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. One cup of tea has different tastes, because of many things inside. Heterogenous substance has more than one phase. Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has different ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. One cup of tea has different tastes, because of many things inside. Heterogenous substance has more than one phase.
Pure substance Definition: Pure substance is a thing has only one substance and has not been mixed. Pure substance does not mean it looks clean. Definition: Pure substance is a thing has only one substance and has not been mixed. Pure substance does not mean it looks clean.
Mixture Definition: Mixture is made of different substance. However, it is not a chemical way. It is a common knowledge that our drinks are mixture. Definition: Mixture is made of different substance. However, it is not a chemical way. It is a common knowledge that our drinks are mixture.
Mechanical Mixture A mixture whose components can be separated by mechanical means. Mechanical mixture can not be separate by hand separation. A mixture whose components can be separated by mechanical means. Mechanical mixture can not be separate by hand separation.
Solution Definition: It is a mixture that mixed with solid and liquid. Solid dissolved in water, it is solution. Definition: It is a mixture that mixed with solid and liquid. Solid dissolved in water, it is solution.
Solvent Definition: Liquid that can dissolve solid. Liquid is solvent, in the mixture. Definition: Liquid that can dissolve solid. Liquid is solvent, in the mixture.
Solute Definition: Solid dissolved in the liquid. Solid is solute, in the mixture. Definition: Solid dissolved in the liquid. Solid is solute, in the mixture.
Compound Definition: A substance formed by a chemical reaction of two or more elements. Compound is the combination of elements. Definition: A substance formed by a chemical reaction of two or more elements. Compound is the combination of elements.
Homogenous mixture Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has same ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. In homogenous mixture, any substance has the same property. Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has same ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. In homogenous mixture, any substance has the same property.
Heterogenous mixture Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has different ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. One cup of tea has different tastes, because of many things inside. In homogenous mixture, any substance has the different property. Definition: The homogenous substance is a mixture that has different ratio of thing throughout the entire mixture. One cup of tea has different tastes, because of many things inside. In homogenous mixture, any substance has the different property.
Filtration Filtration: It is a separation that can separate solid from liquid. Only the fluid can pass the filter paper. The filtrate is not drinkable after the filtration. Filtration: It is a separation that can separate solid from liquid. Only the fluid can pass the filter paper. The filtrate is not drinkable after the filtration.
Filtrate Definition: The liquid that has passed through a Filter. Filtrate is not pure after Filtration. Definition: The liquid that has passed through a Filter. Filtrate is not pure after Filtration.
Residue Definition: The small amount of solid that remain on filter paper. Residue are bigger particle that can’t pass through filter paper. Definition: The small amount of solid that remain on filter paper. Residue are bigger particle that can’t pass through filter paper.
Distillation Definition: It is a process that separating liquid mixture by “selective evaporation”. Distillation separate different substance by using their boiling point. Definition: It is a process that separating liquid mixture by “selective evaporation”. Distillation separate different substance by using their boiling point.
Solvent Extraction Definition: Solvent extraction is a method for separating a substance by solvent. It depends on the variations in dissolvabilities of compound. During the experiment of solvent extraction, solid laid at the bottom of beaker. Definition: Solvent extraction is a method for separating a substance by solvent. It depends on the variations in dissolvabilities of compound. During the experiment of solvent extraction, solid laid at the bottom of beaker.
Recrystallization Definition: It is a technique that can purify chemicals. Recrystallization can purify chemicals by heating up and dissolve both product and impurities. Definition: It is a technique that can purify chemicals. Recrystallization can purify chemicals by heating up and dissolve both product and impurities.
Gravity separation Definition: Gravity separation is an industrial method to separate components. There are 3 layers in the solution after the Gravity separation. Definition: Gravity separation is an industrial method to separate components. There are 3 layers in the solution after the Gravity separation.
Chromatography Definition: Chromatography is a very accurate method to separate ink and paper. The color will creep across the paper. It was amazing that ink went up from one side to other in chromatography. Definition: Chromatography is a very accurate method to separate ink and paper. The color will creep across the paper. It was amazing that ink went up from one side to other in chromatography.
Chemical Change Definition: Chemical change occurs at two substance combine together and creating new substance. Food’s oxygenation is chemical change. Definition: Chemical change occurs at two substance combine together and creating new substance. Food’s oxygenation is chemical change.
Physical change Definition: Physical change changes the form of chemical substance, but not create new substance. Physical change occurs when ice become water. Definition: Physical change changes the form of chemical substance, but not create new substance. Physical change occurs when ice become water.
Kinetic energy Definition: It is an energy produced by movement. Kinetic energy exit in everywhere. Definition: It is an energy produced by movement. Kinetic energy exit in everywhere.
Rotational energy Definition: Rotational energy is a kinetic energy due to rotation of an object. Rotational energy’s movement usually goes spin. Definition: Rotational energy is a kinetic energy due to rotation of an object. Rotational energy’s movement usually goes spin.
Vibrational energy Definition: Vibrational energy is a kinetic energy due to Vibration of an object. The bonds usually stretch out and draw back in Vibrational energy. Definition: Vibrational energy is a kinetic energy due to Vibration of an object. The bonds usually stretch out and draw back in Vibrational energy.
Translational energy Definition: Translational energy is a kinetic energy due to Translation of an object. Translational energy occurs fierce movement. Definition: Translational energy is a kinetic energy due to Translation of an object. Translational energy occurs fierce movement.