TACTICS IN CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS: An Introduction to the Strategic Aspects of Christian Apologetics/Evangelism
Defending the Christian Faith: Presumes 4 essential presuppositions: (1)Knowledge:An accurately informed mind; (2)Wisdom: An artful and cogent application of knowledge;
Defending the Christian Faith: Presumes 4 essential presuppositions: (3)Character: An attractive manner; a person of biblical integrity in daily living; (4)Dependency: A disposition of moment-by-moment dependency upon the God of the Bible (1 Thess. 5:22-23)
Defending the Christian Faith: Regarding Dependency upon God you must: (a) yield to God (Rom. 12:1; Rom. 6:22); (b) separate from sin (Psalm 119:11; Gal. 5:16- 23; Rom. 8:4; 1 John 1:9); (c) actively grow (2 Cor. 3:18; 2 Pet. 3:18).
Defending the Christian Faith Involves Three On-Going Strategic Aspects: (1)Strategy: deals with content, information, & reasons why someone should believe Christianity is true; (2)Tactics:entails “arranging” your resources, employing your knowledge, the orderly, immediate, hands-on maneuvering of the particulars; (2)Spiritual Self-Assessment: involves seriously examining our spiritual maturity. This involves both vivification and mortification. Where do we stand in our intimacy w/ God?
Strategy in Apologetics Involves: Defensive Apologetics: responding to the challenges and answering the problems when Christianity is challenged (e.g., reconciling the goodness of God and the reality of evil); Offensive Apologetics: making a positive case for the truthfulness of Christianity (e.g., evidence for the existence of God).
Strategy and Tactics in Apologetics: Strategy is the big picture: 1.Planning & directing the large scale operation; 2.Positioning prior to actual engagement;
Strategy and Tactics in Apologetics: Strategy is the big picture: Always remember that… Christianity is well positioned (strategic superiority) in the larger context of religious alternatives & ideas because we have the best answers to the deepest questions (creation; sin; redemption).
Tactics in Christian Apologetics: Tactics involves the detail of actual engagement: 1.Literally “the art of arranging”; 2.Maneuvering in an engagement in the face of an enemy; 3.Deploying assets, putting them into action to gain an advantage; 4.Often a clever commander can obtain the advantage over a large force through superior tactical maneuvering (e.g., General George Patton).
Spiritual Assessment for Christian Apologetics: Spiritual Self-Examination involves the following: 1.Investigation of my sinful tendencies (e.g., the mortification of habitual sins; the confession of sin; avoiding temptation); 2.Investigation of my intimacy with God (e.g., am I walking by means of the Holy Spirit, actively pursuing the God of the Bible; meditating upon Scripture; meeting the needs of others above my own; being a person of prayer).