Rose-Mary Dominique Clarke Graduate Diploma of Teaching (primary) Teaching the Growing Child Infant Health and Child Development (2013)
Question 1 Who are two of the key cognitive developmental theorists and what are their main contributions to the field of cognitive development?
Jean Piaget Relationship between child and environment Four stages in Peiget theory Sensor Motor Pre-Operational Concrete Operational Formal Operational Cognitive Development in Adolescents (2015)
Lev Vygotsky Social interactions are key in the development and process of a child’s cognitions More Knowledge Other (MKO) Zone of Proximal Development Scaffolding A Modern Phylosophy of Teaching and Classroom Management (2012)
Question 2 Who are two of the key moral developmental theorists and what are their main contributions to the field of moral development?
Jean Peiget Transition from heteronomous to autonomous Three moral stages Pre-moral Moral realism stage Moral relativism Cognitive Development in Adolescents (2015)
Lawrence Kohlberg Three levels in the development of morality Each consists of two stages Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development (2012)
Question 3 Why do you think it’s important for teachers to have an understanding of moral and cognitive development?
Importance of Understanding Teachers more aware of of practices Greater awareness of necessity to: Evaluate Structure lessons accordingly Adequately assess Ensuring all students have access to cognitively and morally stimulating activities Primary school league tables 2009: faith schools dominate top places (2015)
Question 4 How will knowing about theories of cognitive and moral development help you in your teaching practice?
Theories of Development and Teaching Ability to evaluate Prepare classes Set realistic objectives Reasonable expectations Stimulating lessons Identify students in need of further assistance Achievable goals Comprehensive assessments Busy Mum Embarks on School Teaching Career (2012)
Question 5 Can you please provide an example of the application of cognitive development in the classroom? In your example, please specify the grade to which your example applies
Application on Cognitive Development Puzzles Consider pattern Orders Associations Understand difficult theories and concepts Hand-Eye Co-ordination and Visual Discrimination Key to Literacy (2011)
Question 6 Can you please provide an example of the application of moral development in the classroom? In your example, please specify the grade to which your example applies
Application of Moral Development Class rule list Reinforce positive behavior Eliminate negative behavior Aid in decision making process Help! Grandson’s Happy Screeching Sends Us ‘Running for the Hills’ (2015)
References Eddy, S., (2010a, September 5) Theories of Cognitive Development: Jean Peiget. Retrieved from Eddy, S., (2010b, November) Theories of Cognitive Development: Lev Vygotsky. Retrieved from Engaging with the Evidence for Teaching and Learning, (2014). Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11 project (EPPE 3-11) – Influences on children’s cognitive and social development in Year 6. Retrieved from childrens-cognitive-and-social-development-in-year-6/ Huitt, W., (2004). Moral and Character Development, Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved from Marcom Projects, (2010) Moral development in children: Theories, stages, impact. Retrieved from Mercer, N. (1996). The quality of talk in children's collaborative activity in the classroom. Learning and instruction, 6(4), Muller, A. A., & Perlmutter, M. (1985). Preschool children's problem-solving interactions at computers and jigsaw puzzles. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 6(2), Webb, P. K, (1980). Piaget: Implications for Teaching. Theory Into Practice, 19(2), 93.
References Images Autism Speaks. (2015). Help! Grandson’s Happy Screeching Sends Us ‘Running for the Hills’. Retrieved from %E2%80%98running-hills%E2%80%99, (2015). Cognitive Development in Adolescents. Retrieved from 14/adolescence-73/cognitive-development-in-adolescence / Centers for Dieses Control and Prevention. (2013). Infant Health and Child Development. Retrieved from Grey, K. (2012). A Modern Phylosophy of Teaching and Classroom Management. Retrieved from Redcar and Cleveland College. (2012). Busy Mum Embarks on School Teaching Career. Retrieved from The Psychology Notes HQ. (2012). Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development. Retrieved from The Telegraph. (2015). Primary school league tables 2009: faith schools dominate top places. Retrieved from dominate-top-places.html YogaBugs. (2011). Hand-Eye Co-ordination and Visual Discrimination Key to Literacy. Retrieved from