Weather Instruments by Brian Fontaine
Meteorologists use many different types of instruments to collect data about the weather conditions.
Thermometers measure temperature
Rain gauges measure the amount of precipitation that has fallen.
Barometers show where areas of high and low pressure are. High pressure signals what kind of weather? What temperature air?
The mercury barometer was invented in 1643 by Evangelista Torricelli. content/uploads/2009/09/merc_barometer.jpg
Aneroid barometers are more commonly used today.
With the Data from Hundreds of Places, Weather Maps Show Lines of Barometric Pressure
Wind Speed is Measured by a Anemometer An Aerovane
Wind Direction is Measured with a Wind Vane
Hygrometers Measure Humidity
Psychrometers also measure humidity
Weather Satellites Collect Data from Space
And take pp-to-the-minute ictures of weather patterns
Doppler RADAR detects cloud cover and precipitation by using radio waves.
Doppler Radar Image
NOAA uses ships, satellites, and planes to collect information about the weather
Weather Computers Assimilate all the Weather Data. enter.jpg
Your Quiz What does a thermometer measure? What does a barometer measure? What does a hygrometer measure? What does a anemometer measure? What does a wind vane measure? What does a satellite do? What does a Doppler radar do?
YOUR CHALLENGE: Create a weather station that: (page of JP text) 1)Contains an: Anemometer, Barometer, Wind Vanes, Rain Gauge, Thermometer, and Hygrometer. 2)Get all your instruments on the cardboard square. 3)Make it as neat as possible. 4)Use as little supplies as possible. 5)You only get the supplies in your bin except: Hair, tape, glue, and string.
Supplies: 1- 12” x 18” Piece of Construction Paper 1- 8” x 10” piece of cardboard 1 balloon 1- dixie cup 1- clump of clay 4- Index Cards 3- Toothpicks 5- Straws 1- Pin 1- Push Pin 1- Piece of Styrofoam 2- Rubber Bands 1- Pencil 1- Small Paperclip.