Collaborative intelligence applied to early warning systems of natural disasters in Brazil
Natural disasters (ND) increase in Brazil due to poor risk perception and lack of investments on structural actions; ND in Brazil are mostly a combination of extreme hydro- meteorological events and vulnerable urban areas; droughts, flash floods, gradual floods, storms, hail and landslides The phenomena causing disasters in Brazil within , were in order of importance: droughts, flash floods, gradual floods, storms, hail and landslides Natural disasters documented in Brazil between 1991 and Source: EM-DAT Online Database, 2013 ( The Brazilian context
The conception of CEMADEN CEMADEN – National Early Warning and Monitoring Centre of Natural Disasters Established since December 2011 as a fast response from the Brazilian Presidency to the most lethal natural disaster in January 2011 (900 deaths) The operational routines are focused on warnings of landslides and floods related to geodynamical and hydro meteorological processes in areas where risk areas have been assessed Operational routines supported by applied research and development; Goal: to monitor 821 municipalities all over Brazil by 2015.
Alert and Visualization System of Areas Under Risk How to represent big data of meteorological, hydrological and geotechnical measurements in spatial variables following standards of object-relational models that allow the decision for early warnings? How to retrieve and mine a large amount of data from a number of sources (usually not uniform) in a common computational environment friendly to decision makers of different backgrounds? SALVAR 2.0 SALVAR 2.0: a web-based computational system developed using several tools, like GeoServer + OGC + WFS + WMS + JavaScript + OpenLayers State-of-art in monitoring natural disasters SALVAR
EWS Software : SALVAR 2.0 SALVAR is the core operational monitoring system built-in by CEMADEN. It assembles together near-real time data from local, regional and national observation networks (inc. rain gauges, radars etc) as well as scientific and technological products and capabilities developed across the country
Strategy for data acquisition and dissemination of the Brazilian Early Warning System Early Warning Systems (EWS) designed to predict disasters depends on space technologies
EWS Infrastructure & observation network Meteorological Radar network Surface observation network 1.Sensorial Network and Risk Information Supercomputing 2. Data processing network systems and high- performance computing 3. National, regional and local management risk networks Real-time monitoring center
Overtaking challenges Improving data acquisition network Challenges in data integration and calibration Collective intelligence Rain Gauge Project example: Create and maintain a rain gauge network to improve monitoring with 3375 automatic devices.
Collective Intelligence Installation places: CEMADEN / UNESCO Priority places (field survey) Risk areas Partners (Governmental, NGO, etc) Technical viability Articulation: CEMADEN Acquisition of equipment Data sharing with partners Partner negotiation Installation expertise: CTI, Brazilian Army. Logistics guarantee operation and transmission
Current situation
Where’s CI? SALVAR 2.0 Software. ‘Suggested place to monitoring’ Software.
Conclusion Developing Collective Intelligence complex projects may offer different goals to different partners. It’s necessary to maintain an integrated management and communication with well-established protocols. The Collective Intelligent, with the involvement of various partners is important, especially when involves technological innovation or new subjects such as natural disasters.
Conclusion 1) o pluviometros nas comunidades como sendo um projeto complementar para desenvolvimento de percepcao de risco, pois ai entra a inteligencia coletiva tbem com participacao da sociedade civil; 2) o projeto JICA como sendo a inteligencia coletiva aprimorada pela experiencia internacional consagrada no fortalecimento das acoes integradas entre Cemaden, CENAD, MI, MICId, CPRM e DCs locais (Blumenau, NovaFriburgo e Petropolis); 3) Projeto sensores geotecnicos-geologicos como sendo a inteligencia coletiva desenvolvida internamente pelo Cemaden + iniciativa privada;
Thank you! Demerval Aparecido Gonçalves