Diseases and Disorders of the Digestive System
Some diseases and disorders Cirrhosis: the most common form is of the liver. It is characterised by chronic damage of the tissues, causing necrosis and formation of scar tissue which eventually renders the gland incapable of functioning.The most common cause is through abuse of alcohol. Considering how robust the liver is, it takes a lot of damage to cause the liver not to function. Jaundice : Caused by excessive levels of bile pigments in the blood which make the skin look yellow. This is caused by a malfunction or a blockage in the gall bladder. This can result from damage to the liver as well, including cancer and hepatitis.
Gall stones : These stones are like crystals, they are formed from bile pigments, calcium salts and cholesterol.All these substances are found in the bile which is condensed and stored by the gall bladder after receiving it from the liver. These stones can grow to the size where they cannot pass through the biliary system and have to be broken down through medical intervention Hiatus Hernia : The hiatus is a small tight gap which the oesophagus has to pass through to get into the cardiac / oesophageal sphincter.This type of hernia involves the lining of the stomach protruding up through this gap. This allows acid from the stomach to pass back through and cause burning and irritation, this is often called acid reflux.
Gastritis:This is inflammation of the stomach lining which causes pain and discomfort, also nausea and vomiting. The problem may be acute or chronic and again, be exacerbated by excessive alcohol, smoking or drugs.Some medications like aspirin can also cause problems.The same bacteria as in ulcers can be involved in the problem. Appendicitis : The appendix is located on the blind end of the caecum and is formed from lymphatic tissue. Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the appendix, where the inflammation does not improve it can cause considerable pain and if left can extend to the peritoneum which can be very dangerous. The appendix is often removed through surgery.
Crohns Disease is often sited as an auto immune disease which means that the immune system cannot recognise good tissue from bad. It is characterised by inflammation and ulceration which can appear throughout the digestive tract. This can also lead to destruction of the wall of the tract due to scar tissue formation. Those who suffer are often in a great deal of pain and discomfort and choosing foods can be very hard. Coeliacs Disease : this is where a person is allergic to gluten a substance which is found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley etc. Where sufferers eat inappropriately they can suffer with similar symptoms to IBS.
Irritable bowel syndrome : A collection of symptoms with no 1 cause or symptom.The person suffering with IBS may experience : constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, acid indigestion and discomfort. Individuals usually have a tendency either to diarrhoea or to constipation and find that different foods upset them. Peptic ulcers :Often caused by bacteria ( helicobactor pylori),they disrupt the normal protection of the mucosal lining and cause burning and pain. They can be located in the duodenum, stomach, and pyloric areas. Ulcers are worsened by negative lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Peptic ulcers are often assisted by eating. With gastric ulcers this can be the reverse.
Diverticulitis : This is characterised by the formation and inflammation of sacs which develop mostly off the wall of the colon. Food gets trapped in these sacs and they become infected. This is often caused by a diet which is low in fibre.