TargetsTeam “I Can… Learning” Ms. Dickason, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Shapley and Mrs.Trevino
Unit Plans and Learning Targets Statements of what we want students to learn and be able to do written in student friendly language. “Students who can identify what they are learning significantly outscore those who cannot.” - Robert J. Marzano
Types of Targets and Reflection Knowledge Reasoning Performance/ skills Products Pre- and post-assessment opportunities for self reflection Where am I going? Where am I now? How can I close the gap? How will I know I’m getting there?
Assessments Formative Assessment is assessment for learning and does not count toward the final grade: ●Codes:1=basic, 2=emergent, 3=proficient, 4=advanced ●Other grading codes include: NTI, ABS, INC, EXC, blank Summative Assessment is assessment of learning. Points count toward final grade. For both assessments, students receive targeted feedback and extra practice time so they know what they need to do to improve.
Retakes-Keys to Success! Formative work scored 1 or 2 should be redone and resubmitted prior to a summative assessment Summative work can be redone within a limited time ONLY after completing extra practice with a parent signature on missed targets ●Well-advertised due dates and clearly explained ●New grade replaces the old grade
Late Work Policy Late work is accepted with a late slip attached that must be handwritten by the student and signed by the parent. Turning in late work may affect citizenship, but it will not affect the course letter grade, as this grade represents what the students have mastered. We want our students to complete the work for the benefit of their own learning!
Citizenship Citizenship grades used to be primarily based on classroom conduct and attitude. Citizenship will now be determined by attitude and conduct as well as other behaviors important for success: the student’s work/study habits, personal responsibility, persistence and motivation. Habitually late work, for example, could adversely affect a student’s citizenship grade. The evaluation process for citizenship will include a self-reflective component for students as well as teacher observation.
Absences Students must make every effort to quickly make up missed learning following an absence. Tools are in place to assist students in acquiring notes, handouts and assignments. Teachers are available before school, after school and during the homeroom period to assist with missed instruction but not during the regular class period.
Home to School Communication Classroom newsletters Grade checks every 4 weeks - Power Portal School Wires
Welcome Parents! Ms Trevino’s Homeroom Homeroom Schedule: Monday- Silent Reading Tuesday- Group or Independent Study Hall Wednesday- Student Choice Thursday- Silent Study Hall Homeroom should be used to… Visit teachers following an absence Check in with teachers about re-takes or extra help with targets Review, study, prepare, practice for classes!
Activities: LABS, group and independent work, reading, writing, lots of hands on activities, lots of moving and talking Some units we will cover (and you may hear a lot about): Textbook- Supplemental to what is taught in class Prentice Hall Life Science Textbook UnitLabs Cells Genetics Organ Systems Caramel Cell DNA Extraction Cow Eye Dissection
How to find out how your child is doing in class: Check their Science Folder The current Unit Plan All graded work and current material Includes tests and quizzes Proof of grade on an assignment Stamp Sheets Grades on Parent Portal will be updated every 2 weeks or more often
Workload- 20 minutes per night MAX for review and preparation for class; If the student is constantly spending more time daily on my classes HW please send your child to talk to me Absent? Student MUST make contact with me ASAP (before school or during Homeroom the day they return) Use Schoolwires and friends Students responsibility to schedule make up tests/quizzes
Discipline Policy: My goal is to be fair and consistent at all times to my very best ability. Students who are disruptive to my teaching and other students learning will receive a gentle reminder, verbal warning, private chat and Behavior Information Form (which includes parent contact) will follow. Student, Parent, Teacher Meetings If you have concerns and would like to meet, please have your child fill out the Conference Form available on Schoolwires. A meeting will be scheduled as soon as it is returned to me. Often times, sending your child to meet with me is all it takes. I love it when they advocate for themselves-its so powerful!
Innisbrook Wrapping Paper Sales- Approx. 50% of the money goes to our science department and to the rest of the school. Thank you for the support already!