Tell me, I forget Show me, I remember Involve me, I understand. Chinese Proverb
7 Ways of Knowing Logical- Mathematical Intelligence Visual-Spatial Intelligence Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence Musical- Rhythmic Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence
Teacher Toolbox Dance Manipulatives Role playing Gestures Problem- solving Organizers graphs Poetry Discussions Journaling Vocabulary Cooperative learning Giving feedback Person to person communication Self-reflections Thinking Strategies Focusing Skills Patterning Painting Guided Imagery Singing Clapping Rhyming Logical- Math Verbal- Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic Visual- Spatial Musical- Rhythmic
Kovalik’s Eight Brain Compatible Components Absence of Threat Meaningful Content Choices Adequate Time Enriched Environment Collaboration Immediate Feedback Mastery
The Daily 5 Fostering Literacy Independence Helps kids be independent and responsible. Allows for 2 or more hours of reading and writing practice a day. Includes whole class lessons, small group lessons (based on student needs, and individual conferences/assessments. Teacher and students model behavior. Builds stamina for students reading and writing over time. Structure and successes build community/less negative behavior as children internalize why they do it. Teacher and students create anchor charts to remind students what is expected to create a learning environment. Classroom becomes a print-rich environment!
How Do We Assess the Learning? With today’s standards guiding our classrooms and our student’s learning, it is important to use multiple measures to assess how the students are doing. Each child learns at different rates and in different ways so we must have many means to assess the work they do to accurately define their growth and abilities. In our classroom we will utilize the District Wide Assessments to define progress and mastery of skills and share the results with you at conferences, requests, or as needed. However, we will also be using some other measures that I would like to explain.
I believe children who set goals are more likely to take ownership of their own learning, so as part of the self- assessment process, I invite each of our families to help their child to set learning goals. This paperwork will be sent home for you to do with your child. These goals should be monitored throughout the year so your child will see their progress. Students will also be completing self-evaluations throughout the year of their own work and compiling work samples in a Portfolio to share with you at the end of the year. How Do We Assess the Learning?
Along the way students will also be assessed through Performance Based Assessments. These assessments are task oriented and active. They assess abilities to perform a task or apply a skill and show the developmental stages of thinking and learning. Students will also be asked to do some class presentations, as well as research projects as part of assessing academic learned skills and social responsibility skills. Your child will also be assessed by teacher observation, student/teacher conferences, open-ended questions, and in-class written work.
Report Card Grades and other Marks M -Meets or Exceeds grade level standards D -Developing proficiency with steady progress on grade level standards L -Limited proficiency with limited progress of the grade level standards +Completed work with effort and success -Lack of effort, completeness and/or correctness Please sign and return: Please look over your child’s work, review areas of weakness, sign the work and return to school. Stamp/stickers: Work has been seen by the teacher and was completed
Room 13 Daily Schedule 8:23Warning Bell 8:25 – 9:10Early Cheetahs/Language Arts 9:10Late Arrival 9:10 – 9:25Morning Work 9:25 – 9:55SPECIALS (i.e. p.e., library) 9:55 – 10:10SNACK and RECESS 10:15 – 11:00Daily 5/RTI 11:00-11:30Language Arts/Themes 11:35 – 12:20RECESS/LUNCH 12:20 – 12:40Calendar 12:45-1:30Math 1:52Early Dismissal 1:37 – 2:37Late Cheetahs/Language Arts P.E: 9:25- 9:55 Tuesdays and Fridays SPARK (with teachers) TBA (Please wear appropriate shoes and clothes. Students may bring a water bottle.) Library:TBA
Sign-ups are on clipboards on the table: Room Parents (2) Class Parties Homework Folders Friday Folders Reading Helpers Math Helpers RTI Helpers Taking pictures Maintenance Copies/Prep materials