‘’M OTIVATING N EW T ECHNOLOGIES FOR A DULT E DUCATION IN R URAL A REAS ’’ June 2015 Plunge - Lithuania Evaluation results
Expectations and possibility to apply acquired competences
The implementation of the workshop
The implementation of the international meeting
Your remark, suggestions, comments Wonderful hostesses, nice country and lovely days together with wonderful, wonderful people Amazing experience of the conference, great organization Very well organized international meeting, great teachers I am very happy that I we met and many fantastic people For me it was a pity that some people were not totally interested in the workshop
What was the most useful thing for you? Friendship. Self-confidence and new knowledge The whole workshop The conference day and the culture To listen to lecturers at the international meeting The attendance of a professional consultant to present the workshop Thanks to coordinator Rita - it's was perfect Thank you very much
THANK YOU very much