Survey of Geospatial Information Technologies in Teacher Education Thomas Hammond, Elizabeth Langran, Thomas Baker
What are Geospatial Information Technologies? Geo-location mobile devices (GPS) Dynamic maps & globes (Google Maps/Earth) GIS (ArcGIS)
How are pre- and in-service teachers learning how to use GIT? We don’t really know, so let’s look at lit & then survey!
Previous Lit Chen, 2012 Rod, Andersland, & Knudsen, 2012 Baker, Palmer, & Kerski, 2009 MaKinster, Trautmann, & Barnett, 2014
SectionSample item Background Your years of experience in teacher education □ 0-5 years □ 6-10 years □ years □ More than 15 years □ Other: ______________________ Student Profiles STUDENT LEVEL: What students were enrolled in your educational technology courses that incorporated geospatial tools? Check as many as apply □ (Not applicable) □ Undergraduate only □ Master's only □ Doctoral only □ Mixed undergraduate and master's □ Mixed master's and doctoral □ Non-degree students □ In-service teachers receiving CEUs (Continuing Education Units) or the equivalent Instructional Settings CLASS FORMAT: In what formats have you recently conducted other teacher education that incorporated geospatial tools? Check as many as apply. □ (Not applicable) □ Face-to-face classes □ Online, synchronous classes □ Online, asynchronous-only classes □ Hybrid classes that combine face-to-face classroom sessions with online, synchronous sessions □ Other: ___________________
SectionSample item Tools and Tasks TASKS conducted with mobile geospatial devices: What tasks do you use them for in your teacher education work? Check as many as apply. □ View / browse maps or imagery (e.g., looking at satellite imagery in Google Earth) □ View / browse data or layers (e.g., displaying tectonic plate data that came with a GIS program) □ Add data to existing datasets or map layers (e.g., collecting your own data on water quality and displaying it on a map) □ Analyze data (e.g., analyzing demographic changes between one census and the next) □ (NO, I do not use any mobile devices in my teacher ed classes.) □ Other: ____________________ Levels of Technology AWARENESS: Have you integrated geospatial tools into your teacher education to make your students aware that these tools exist, but without expecting them to engage in their use? □ Yes □ No □ Other: _____________________
Research Methods Survey March-August items in 5 sections o background, student profiles, instructional settings & goals, tools & tasks, levels of technology engagement Snowball sampling: geospatial education/ed tech listservs, SIGs Quant items: descriptive statistics Qual items: coding
Results: Respondents
Instructional tasks by technology context
Installed (Desktop) Internet-based services or websitesMobile Education faculty Geography / Science faculty Other faculty48649 (Totals)938649
Instrument items ‘Yes’ responses AwarenessHave you integrated geospatial tools into your teacher education to make your students aware that these tools exist, but without expecting them to engage in their use? 12/28 43% SkillsDo you use geospatial tools in teacher education to build the students' skills at using these technologies? 26/27 96% Knowledge Building Have you used geospatial tools in your teacher ed to encourage teachers to use these tools in developing their students' understanding of curricular content? 26/28 93% Map skills or Spatial Thinking Have you used geospatial tools in your teacher ed to encourage teachers to integrate these tools into their instruction regarding how to use maps or think in spatial terms? 27/28 96% Inquiry or PBL skills Have you used geospatial tools in your teacher ed to encourage teachers to integrate these tools into instruction to develop students' ability to do inquiry or solve problems? 29/32 91% Technology SkillsHave you used geospatial tools in your teacher ed to encourage teachers to integrate these tools into instruction to develop students' ability to use geospatial tools in a non-academic context? 22/29 93% Content Acquisition Do you integrate geospatial tools into your teacher education in order to develop your teacher-learners' content knowledge? 24/28 86%
Re-considering: Limitations of data 1.How we asked: Snowball technique high end of the range, but no central tendency 2.The asking itself: Self-report data over- representing certain teaching goals and tasks (e.g., inquiry-driven uses of geospatial tools)?
But taking at face value: Among Teacher Educators Who Use Geospatial Tools (TEWUGTs)… 1.Social studies TEWUGTs more active with geospatial tools than we might have guessed (but comparing to work with different tools, different populations)
But taking at face value: Among Teacher Educators Who Use Geospatial Tools (TEWUGTs)… 2.TEWUGTs are spread across the K-12 grade levels, not concentrated at middle/secondary 3.TEWUGTs engage students in full range of use-- not limited to exposure, not limited to view or browse, but incorporate higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy as they manipulate data, analyze data
Next steps 1.Research: Interview selected participants greater depth/detail, confirm/disconfirm limitations 2.Practice: Expose and share 'best practices' in modeling/teaching geospatial tools in variety of content areas -- perhaps at SITE 2015 in Vegas?
Questions? Comments? hammond [at] elangran [at] trbaker [at]