2 Washington State University HBM 497 Class – Senior Living Management, Spring 2012
3 “I view the senior living industry as an amazing opportunity for hospitality students to obtain a successful job, including security, great benefits and pay, a humbling environment and a wonderful thing to be a part of.”
4 “Everyone who has lectured has spoken with such passion about their job. As I am getting ready to enter the working world, I obviously would like a job that I am excited to wake up to each day.” “One thing that really stood out to me was the fact that this industry is focused on heart and character.”
5 “I could definitely see myself having a future in this segment. The main reason being this; taking part in the care and service of the greatest generation is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not only in the business sense to take advantage of the wealth that was accumulated by this generation but also repaying them for what they have done for us; their future. They led in the industrial revolution, went to war, created legislation and laid the foundation for our generation to become innovators of what they started. The concierge of Aegis of Bellevue pointed this fact out as well and I couldn’t agree more that this is an opportunity to say thanks and let this generation go out with a bang.”
7 “Great people at all 4 companies.” “Seeing the actual operations of all the different communities and getting to meet all of the people who work for the companies – it was a great networking experience.”
8 “What I thought was the hotel we were staying at was a retirement community that was incomparable to any other community I have ever seen. At this moment I realized that these campuses were not constrained by the concept of retirement. The services and amenities that were offered were outside of what I could have imagined.”
9 Hands-on activities… …champions!
10 More hands-on activities… …more champions!
11 Becoming a Senior is tough work!
12 “I still can’t believe how well prepared all four companies were for our visit and how they all gave us over-the-top hospitality. We owe them a huge thank you for how much time, effort, and money they have put into our program.”
13 “Learning that this industry is completely opposite of what people think – you’re changing lives.” What did you like best about this course?
15 “I know when I’m 80 I want to be in one of these communities. After taking this class I know what they’re all about and know how great they are! As Bill from Emeritus said, “They’re old, not dead”. Just because I’ll be old doesn’t mean I won’t want to play Wii, socialize with other people in the same boat as me or walk my dog around town.”
16 “This was the best trip I have ever taken in college. The company reps were outstandingly energized, passionate and informative. This industry seems insurmountably more appealing than even before this trip. I love how happy people are to work in this industry. I appreciated the humbleness of everyone and emphasis on the relationships.”
17 “My overall impression of our field trip was very positive. I haven’t been able to stop telling stories about it since we got back and I know I’m not the only one.”
18 “What I really liked about that event (Emeritus corporate office dinner) was being able to socialize with everyone from all the companies; it really gave an inside look at how their employee culture is. While I understand it probably differs in other areas, it was nice to see that the industry has really genuine people.”
19 “I love the real world application of this class. The Seattle trip was amazing!”
20 “Ever since taking this class I have been really interested in actually pursuing a career in the industry.” “From the business side, I had no idea how lucrative this industry can be and that the demand has no way to go but up.” “When I first took this class, I was doing it mainly to just learn a little bit more about this industry. I never thought I would get such a rewarding experience from it. This weekend fully proved to me that this is not only an up and coming industry, but it is a business that is so much more than what is commonly thought of when you think of retirement communities.”
21 “This trip was amazing. I was astounded by the level of hospitality and wonderful caring folks we met.” Fall 2011 Scholarship recipient, Senior Living Excellence Fund in the School of Hospitality and Business Management
22 “Nancy should party with us more!”