Online School Management System Supervisor Name: Ashraful Islam Juwel Lecturer of Asian University of Bangladesh Submitted By: Bikash Chandra SutrodhorID Md. Kobir AhmmadID Sumonto Kumer GhoshID Md. Jahinur RahmanID Nur Mohammed ZahidiID Student of Asian University of Bangladesh 45 th Batch
Systematic one solution is essential for all school. Because a school has a many classes for the maintenance of school information and student database in any institution. All these classes provide various records regarding students. Most of the track records need to maintain information about the student. This information could be the general details like student personal information performance etc or specific information related to class like collection of data. They are maintained manually. So they need to be automated and centralized modules.We will provide more ease for managing the data than manually maintaining in the documents our works in useful for saving valuable time and reduces the huge paper work.
A School Management system is a large database system which can be used for managing school’s daily works It is multi-user system and can be used by hundreds of users at a time Generally speaking, it is platform available for running on a local area networks (LAN)
In this project School Management System used to manage the student, Teacher & office staff Information. School management System will organize work inside School and proposed system will do the following tasks: Insert student’s information. Insert employee’s information Insert marks for each student View Student Result View Student Attendance View Student personal Information View Employee Personal information View School Income and cost
Hardware: Processor Pentium-4 or higher Processor Speed 550 MHZ or Higher Hard Disk Space 4.76 GB (min.) Physical memory (RAM) 1 GB minimum Software: Operating System : Windows XP/7/8/10
Database: Oracle 10g Developing Software: Oracle Developer Suit 10g
Spiral model is a combination of sequential and prototype model. This model is best used for large projects which involves continuous enhancements. SPIRAL MODEL (methodology) A spiral model has 4 phases such as Customer Communication Planning Risk Analysis Engineering Constriction & Release System Evaluation
We analyze “Faridahbad High School“school management system. we found Below existing system : This school current system is totally works manually. All the details of the student are maintained in a single record. Present System Require much man power much cost hard to operate and maintain. The existing system is paper based. In the present system report generation become very difficult. EXISTING SYSTEM
Proposed System It is automated computerized web based software system. It uses latest technologies like Oracle Developer Suit and ORACLE Database. It is easy to operate. Attractive User Interface Easy to handle and feasible Cost Reduction Fast and Convenient PROPOSED SYSTEM
E-R Diagram of Online School Management System
Scheduling Chart Month-1Month-2Month Analysisw1w2w3w4w1w2w3w4w1w2w3w4 1.1 Analysis Existing System 1.2 Analysis Propose System 1.3 Questionaries 1.4 Answer Feedback 02. Design 2.1 Data Design 2.2 Data Set 2.3 Stored Data 2.4 Schema Design 2.5 Cardinality Design 2.6 E-R Diagram 2.7 Context Flow Diagram 2.8 Data Flow Diagram 03. Coding 04. Testing 05. Implementation
RISK ANALYSIS Risk analysis is the review of the risks associated with a particular event or action. It is applied to projects, information technology, security issues and any action. Risk analysis is a component of risk management. Design Risk: This school management system remain some design risk which will create problem future. Programming Risk: This software coding remain some complexity. Re-engineering Risk: This software remain some feature which on doing re- engineering is not possible. Cost Risk: This software remain some financial risk. Cost Risk Divided into 3 part there are Hardware and Internet Cost Software Cost Manpower Cost
Re Engineering Consists the Below Steps Cost Factors Performance Data Storage Requirements New Technology Trends RE-ENGINEERING
Dash Board
Entry Form
Student ID List Search
Student Admission ID Class wise
Subject Adding Form
Teacher Information Entry
Teacher ID Report
Student Payment Form
Marks Distribution form
Student Result
Database Backup
Software System is the best system for make decision and show the short time result. Therefore we should make decision for received update technology at the right time and for the right reasons Conclusion