Biobased Products - Opportunities for Use as Substitutes Sueanne Pfifferling Presented to Federal Environmental Symposium East June 4, 2008
2 What is a Biobased Product? Products that use or are composed of, in whole or part, biological products or renewable agricultural or forestry materials. Some common biobased feedstocks: – Soy, corn and other vegetable oils – Wheat, straw, rice, potato starch – Citrus
3 Benefits of Using Biobased Products as Substitutes? Providing safer and healthier workplaces Helping stewardship goal of protecting and preserving the environment Contributing to national energy security through reduced oil use
4 Why Should Federal Agencies Be Interested in Using Biobased Products as Substitutes? E.O (January 2007) – Requires the reduction in the use of toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials acquired – Requires the use of sustainable environmental practices in the acquisition of goods and services, including acquisition of biobased products 2002 Farm Bill – Established a purchasing preference for biobased products – Implemented through USDA’s BioPreferred SM Program USDA has issued Guidelines for implementing preferred purchasing programs USDA has designated 33 biobased items for preferred purchasing – Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) was amended in November 2007 to incorporate purchasing requirements for USDA-designated biobased items
5 USDA-Designed Biobased Items for Preferred Purchasing Mobile equipment hydraulic fluids Disposable containersDust suppressants Penetrating lubricantsFertilizersCarpets Diesel fuel additivesSorbentsCarpet and upholstery cleaners Roof coatingsGraffiti and grease removersBathroom and spa cleaners Bedding, bed linens, and towels 2-Cycle engine oilsConcrete and asphalt release fluids Water tank coatingsLip care productsGeneral purpose de-icers Adhesive and mastic removersFilmsFirearm lubricants Plastic insulating foam for construction Stationary equipment hydraulic fluids Floor strippers Hand cleaners and sanitizersDisposable cutleryLaundry products Composite panelsGlass cleanersMetalworking fluids Fluid-filled transformersGreasesWood and concrete sealers
6 What Type of Applications Present Opportunities for Substitutions? Some main target areas – Lubricants – Plastics – Solvents – Coatings and Adhesives
7 Lubricant Applications Use of vegetable oils to replace petroleum base stock oils in lubricant applications Current Applications Performance/Benefits Hydraulic FluidsRail & Flange Oils Two-Cycle Engine OilsWire Rope Lubricants Bar/Chain/Penetrating OilsMetal Working/Cutting Fluids GreasesTransformer Fluid Higher viscosityHigher flash point Lower evaporative lossReadily biodegradable Enhanced lubricityLower toxicity
8 Plastics Applications Natural oils used to replace petroleum (1) to make polyols used in polyurethane and (2) as ingredients in polyester resins. Corn, wheat and other starch/ sugars can be used to make polymers for plastic applications. Current Applications Performance/Benefits Carpet backing and fiber faceFood serviceware Spray foam insulationClothing Foam for furnishingsPackaging Molded composites Rigid and Flexible applicationsImproved environmental life cycle Cure times/Energy useDurability/Biodegradability Strength/WeightLEED Credit
9 Solvent Applications Methyl soyate, ethyl lactate, citrus are some of the most common biosolvents used to replace petro-chemical ingredients. Current Applications Performance/Benefits Industrial Cleaners/DegreasersAdhesive/Mastic/Graffiti Removers Parts CleanersHand Cleaners Paint StrippersJanitorial Cleaners Coating & Ink RemovalDeicers Dwell timesLow / negligible VOC emissions Enhanced solvencyNot HAPS/ODCs Virtually non-toxicHigh Flash/Boiling Point
10 Coatings, Adhesives and Other Applications Use of vegetable oils and other biobased ingredients, such as soy flour, to replace petro-chemical ingredients in certain applications and/or applying modified vegetable oil for use in unique applications. Current Applications Benefits of Various Applications Roof and other coatingsWood adhesives & glues Paints & sealants & fabric coatingsTruck bed liners Soy inkRemediation/Spill cleanup Toner for printers & copiersAsphalt restoration and repair Low VOC emissionsEnhanced performance LEED & Energy Star Lower petro/toxic chemical use
11 Who is Recognizing the Benefits of Biobased Products? Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE) Program CleanGredients ™
12 Who is Using Biobased Products? Many federal agencies are already successfully using biobased products. Examples of biobased products being use as substitutes include: – replacing a variety of petro-chemical based solvents in general purpose cleaners – replacing methylene chloride for paint stripping – replacing a variety of petro-chemical based industrial solvents for adhesive and mastic removers, graffiti removers, and parts washing fluids – replacing chemical and plastic bead paint stripping systems – replacing a petro-chemical scrubber/degreaser to better control wastewater discharge – replacing petroleum-based cooling fluids in over 150 power transformers at military installations – replacing petroleum-based general penetrating lubricants and greases, and hydraulic fluids in maintenance and construction equipment, elevators, lifts, and security barriers – replacing petro-chemical backings on carpets and petro-chemical disposable plastic plates, bowls and utensils – using energy saving biobased roof coatings and insulation – using building panels made from compressed wheat straw – using biobased absorbents – using “biowalls” instead of a “pump-and-treat” system for cleanup of contaminated groundwater
13 Approaches to Increasing the Use of Biobased Products Using Off the Shelf Products – Capture the low hanging fruit – Check the availability and product performance specs of what is already available in the commercial marketplace – Make the switches that make sense for your facility and ones that are required by the BioPreferred program – Look at life cycle costs not just first costs Reformulation – Look at materials/chemicals being used in high volume or that present EHS management challenges – Review life cycle impacts – Work with suppliers to evaluate reformulation options using biobased feedstocks
14 Approaches to Increasing the Use of Biobased Products Demonstration/Trial Projects – Consider a demonstration or trial project before making a substitution – Allows evaluation of important factors Performance Cost/effectiveness Transition Issues Benefits – Allows for iterations and adjustments – Allows for collaboration with suppliers and manufacturers
15 Information Resources USDA BioPreferred SM website: Office of the Federal Environmental Executive: Other agencies: DOE: DoD: Interior: United Soybean Board Biobased Solutions for Government website: New Uses website: National Corn Growers website:
16 Contact Information Sueanne Pfifferling Consultant to the United Soybean Board