Clean Cities / 1 Applying for Grants – Tips & Tricks for a Successful Application April 14, 2016 Rebecca Otte Clean Fuel Partnership Director 2016 Louisiana Alt Fuels Conference
Clean Cities / 2 Clean Cities Coalitions Sponsored & supported by the US Dept. of Energy & Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources Communicate information on cleaner transportation options to the local level Facilitate partnerships between suppliers, distributors, and fleets to implement clean fuel projects Track progress on implementing cleaner transportation options
Clean Cities / 3 Funding for Clean Fuel Projects Today’s Presentation: General Tips and Recommendations Review of Federal Opportunities Review of State & Local Opportunities Private/ OEM Funding Opportunities Federal & State Tax Credits
Clean Cities / 4 Funding for Clean Fuel Projects Fleets can apply: On their own Through the Clean Fuel Partnership (if we are an eligible applicant) In coordination with another Clean Cities Coalition Main database and application portal for Federal government grants: US Dept. of Energy Clean Cities Funding Opportunities: opportunities/ opportunities/
Clean Cities / 5 The Clean Fuel Partnership tracks available funding opportunities & develops summaries Who is eligible to apply? What is the minimum and maximum grant award? What is the funding for? When are applications due? When will the money arrive? What strings are attached? Why are they providing funding? What’s their objective? Are there any regional priorities? Funding for Clean Fuel Projects
Clean Cities / 6 Timing for Federal Funding Funding announcements are dependent on when a Federal budget is passed Normally have around 60 days to complete the application package Works best when the fleet/ organization already has a project in mind and has all the internal approvals in place Application Period: Around days Review Period: 3-6 months Time to set up the agreement between the agency and the lead applicant: Roughly 3 months Project period: 2-3 years Funding for Clean Fuel Projects
Clean Cities / 7 Grant Considerations US Dept. of Energy Objectives: Reduce dependence on foreign oil Promote use of alternative fuel sources & technologies Reduce amount of fuel consumed Fill Critical Gaps to Alt Fuel Vehicle Deployment Proposal are more Technical
Clean Cities / 8 Grant Considerations US Environmental Protection Agency focus: Improving Air Quality Reducing Emissions: Requires emission reduction calculations Addressing Environmental Justice Regional Priorities
Clean Cities / 9 is the main database for all federal grants Can submit applications electronically though –Increasingly becoming required Allow time to complete all required paperwork for the grant application Submit Early to avoid bottleneck times
Clean Cities / 10 Applicant Requirements Allow at least 21 days to complete registration (must be renewed regularly): Obtain a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number Register with the System for Award Management ( Register with Make sure your system meets current technology requirements Or Apply through the Clean Fuel Partnership or Louisiana Clean Fuels
Clean Cities / 11 US Dept. of Energy Funding Focus varies from year to year Recent grants have focused more on addressing barriers to alt fuel vehicle deployment rather than on funding for vehicles Examples: Mechanic Training – SLCFP & LCF currently working on this First Responder Training Demonstration Vehicle Programs Outreach & Education Procurement Aggregating Initiatives
Clean Cities / 12 US Environmental Protection Agency- Clean Diesel Funding National Competition RFP normally issued in the Spring Current RFP Deadline: April 26, 2016 Notification of Selected Applicants: June 2016 Funding of Awards: October Minimum Grant Award: $400,000 Maximum Grant Award: $2,700,000 Eligible Applicants: Regional, State, or local agencies, tribal government, or port authorities with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality Nonprofit organizations or institutions that a) represent or provide pollution reduction or educational services to persons or organizations that own or operate diesel fleets or b) have, as their principal purpose, the promotion of transportation or air quality Other Fleets as co-applicants with the Clean Fuel Partnership/ Regional Planning Commission or Louisiana Clean Fuels
Clean Cities / 13 US Environmental Protection Agency- Clean Diesel Funding National Competition Exhaust Controls: Up to 100% of the cost of eligible verified exhaust controls technologies. Engine Upgrades: Up to 40% of the cost of eligible engine upgrades (labor & equipment) of an eligible nonroad vehicle, locomotive or marine engine upgrade. Certified Engine Repower of Locomotive, Marine, and Non-road Vehicles & Equipment: Up to 40% of the cost (labor & equipment) of an eligible engine repower of a 2015 model year or newer engine certified to EPA emission standards; up to 60% of the cost (labor and equipment) of an all-electric repower. Certified Engine Repower of Highway Diesel Vehicles: Up to 40% of the cost (labor & equipment) of an eligible engine repower of a 2015 model year or newer engine certified to EPA emission standards; Up to 50% of the cost (labor & equipment) of a 2015 model year or newer engine certified to CARB’s Optional Low-NOx Standard; Up to 60% of the cost (labor & equipment) of an all-electric repower.
Clean Cities / 14 US Environmental Protection Agency- Clean Diesel Funding National Competition Verified Idle Reduction Technologies: Verified Locomotive Idle Reduction Technologies: Up to 40% of the cost (labor and equipment) of eligible idle reduction technologies on locomotives. Shore Connection Systems and Electrified Parking Spaces/Truck Stop Electrification Technologies: Up to 25% of the cost (labor & equipment) of eligible shore connection systems & truck stop electrification technologies including the cost of modifications, attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make the equipment functional. Verified Idle Reduction Technologies on School Buses: Up to 100% of the cost (labor and equipment) of verified idle reduction technologies on school buses with model year 2006 or older engines that have been previously retrofitted with a verified emission control device. Other Verified Idle Reduction Technologies: Up to 100% of the cost of an eligible, verified idle reduction technology in combination with a new eligible verified exhaust control funded under this grant on the same vehicle.
Clean Cities / 15 US Environmental Protection Agency- Clean Diesel Funding National Competition Certified Vehicle/Equipment Replacement: Locomotives and Non-road Vehicles and Equipment: Up to 25% of the cost of a replacement vehicle or piece of equipment powered by a 2015 model year or newer engine certified to EPA emission standards; up to 45% of the cost of a new, all-electric nonroad vehicle or piece of equipment. Highway Vehicles: Up to 25% the cost of a newer, cleaner medium or heavy-duty vehicle, powered by a 2015 model year or newer certified highway heavy-duty engine; Up to 35% of the cost of a replacement vehicle powered by a 2015 model year or newer engine certified to meet CARB’s Optional Low-NOx Standard; Up to 45% of the cost of an all-electric replacement vehicle. Verified Aerodynamic Technologies and Low Rolling Resistance Tires: Up to 100% of the cost of verified aerodynamic technologies or verified low rolling resistance tires for long haul Class 8 trucks if combined with an eligible verified exhaust control technology funded under this grant.
Clean Cities / 16 US Environmental Protection Agency- Clean Diesel Funding State Clean Diesel Funding Through Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality: Miriam Tullier, LDEQ Clean Diesel Project Coordinator: (225) / Rolling Application Process Estimated Maximum Grant Amount: $204,659 May increase soon! EPA’s FY State Clean Diesel Grant Program Information Guide, March 1, 2016 EPA’s FY State Clean Diesel Grant Program Information Guide, March 1, 2016
Clean Cities / 17 US Environmental Protection Agency- Clean Diesel Funding State Clean Diesel Funding Includes categories listed under the National Program plus: Cleaner Fuel Use: Funding for the cost differential between the eligible cleaner fuels and conventional diesel fuels. (Must be in combination with another category.) Clean Alternative Fuel Conversions: Up to 40% of the cost (labor and equipment) of an eligible certified or compliant clean alternative fuel conversion. Certified Vehicle/Equipment Replacement: Non-road Vehicles and Equipment: Up to 25% of the cost of a replacement vehicle or piece of equipment powered by a 2013 model year or newer certified nonroad engine Highway Vehicles: up to 25% the cost of a newer, cleaner medium or heavy-duty vehicle, powered by a 2013 model year or newer certified highway heavy-duty engine Drayage Trucks: Up to 50% of the cost of an eligible drayage truck powered by a 2010 model year or newer certified heavy-duty engine equipped with a diesel particulate filter (or catalyst equipped in the case of a CNG engine).
Clean Cities / 18 Caveats: Repowered vehicles, equipment or engines must continue to perform the same function as before the repower. The purchase of vehicles to expand a fleet is not covered by this program. Vehicles must have 3 years of useful life left. Any engine being replaced under this funding must be scrapped or rendered permanently disabled within 90 days of being replaced. Reimbursement process – not an up front grant Other requirements as included in the Grant Guidelines US Environmental Protection Agency- Clean Diesel Funding
Clean Cities / 19 Clean Fuel Transition Fund for Public Fleets Administered through the Southeast Louisiana Clean Fuel Partnership For Public Fleets in Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard & St. Charles Parishes Grant Funding Available: $909,200 Match Required: 20% Cash or In-Kind Match to be provided by the Fleet This funding opportunity will reimburse public fleets for: 80% of the incremental cost difference when purchasing a new vehicle fueled by an alternative fuel (natural gas, propane, electric or hybrid-electric) 80% of the cost to convert an existing vehicle to an alternative fuel 80% of the cost to install idle reduction technologies to existing or new vehicles All vehicles/ conversions/ idle reduction technologies must be EPA-certified Applications accepted on an ongoing basis For additional information on this funding opportunity, contact: Rebecca Otte, RPC’s Clean Fuel Partnership Director: (504) /
Clean Cities / 20 State Energy Office – Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources LDNR offers various Clean Fuel-Related Programs from time to time based on funding availability Current Funding: Louisiana Revolving Loan Program Installation of commercial alternative fueling pumps and systems (but not storage tanks) installed on existing facilities (other than a large bio refinery); purchase of alternative fuel vehicles (incremental costs only). Past funding has been made available for Natural Gas Stations and Vehicle Conversions
Clean Cities / 21 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Funding Administered through Louisiana Dept. of Transportation and Development Available to areas that do not meet EPA’s Air Quality Standard: East Baton Rouge West Baton Rouge Iberville Ascension Livingston Applications due May 2, 2016 For additional information and assistance with the emissions calculations, contact Louisiana Clean Fuels or Ravi Ponnapureddy at the Capital Region Planning Commission: or (225) 383 ‐ 5203 at least 3-4 weeks prior to the
Clean Cities / 22 Fuel Associations Louisiana Propane Gas Association Commercial Propane Mower & Automobile Rebate Program New Dedicated LPG Mowers & Vehicles: $1, per mower/ vehicle Conversions: Up to $ per mower/vehicle Applicants are limited to four (4) incentive awards per company, up to $5,000 a year.
Clean Cities / 23 OEM Opportunities NISSAN SignatureBUSINESS Nissan LEAF Lease Solutions Municipal Finance –Allows government fleets to take advantage of Federal and State Tax Credits EV Workplace Charging Partnership –Helps facilitate the installation of EV Chargers at workplaces For more information contact Damian Herd: or (615)
Clean Cities / 24 Port of New Orleans – New All Electric Vehicles 2 All-Electric Leafs 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Clean Cities / 25 Federal Tax Credits Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit. Fueling equipment for natural gas, propane, liquefied hydrogen, electricity, E85, and biodiesel are eligible for a tax credit of 30%, up to $30,000. Residential fueling equipment may receive a tax credit up to $1,000.Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit Alternative Fuel Excise Tax Credit. $0.50 per gallon tax credit for alternative fuels.Alternative Fuel Excise Tax Credit Alternative Fuel Mixture Excise Tax Credit. $0.50 per gallon tax credit for alternative fuel used to produce a mixture containing at least 0.1% gasoline, diesel, or kerosene.Alternative Fuel Mixture Excise Tax Credit Qualified Two-wheeled Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Tax Credit. Qualified vehicles are eligible of a tax credit for 10% of the cost of the vehicle, up to $2,500.Qualified Two-wheeled Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Tax Credit Fuel Cell Motor Vehicle Tax Credit. $4,000 tax credit for the purchase of qualified light- duty fuel cell vehicles.Fuel Cell Motor Vehicle Tax Credit Biodiesel Income Tax Credit. A taxpayer that delivers unblended biodiesel (B100) into the tank of a vehicle may be eligible for a $1.00 per gallon of biodiesel, agri-biodiesel, or renewable diesel tax credit.Biodiesel Income Tax Credit Biodiesel Mixture Excise Tax Credit. $0.50 per gallon tax credit for biodiesel, agri- biodiesel, or renewable diesel used to produce a mixture containing at least 0.1% gasoline, diesel, or kerosene. Biodiesel Mixture Excise Tax Credit
Clean Cities / 26 Federal Tax Credits Idle Reduction Equipment Excise Tax Exemption. Qualified on-board idle reduction devices & advanced insulation are exempt from the federal excise tax imposed on the retail sale of heavy-duty highway trucks and trailers. Also applies to installation of qualified equipment on vehicles after vehicles have been placed into service. See EPA’s SmartWay Technology Program Federal Excise Tax Exemption website for more information: Reduction Equipment Excise Tax Exemption Qualified Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Tax Credit. Tax credit for the purchase of a new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle that draws propulsion using a traction battery that has at least 5 kWh of capacity, uses an external source of energy to recharge the battery, has a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 14,000 pounds, and meets specified emission standards. Minimum credit: $2,500, Max: $7,500, based on each vehicle's traction battery capacity and the gross vehicle weight rating. Vehicles-Acquired-after Qualified Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Tax Credit. Vehicles-Acquired-after Check with the IRS and your CPA before planning on applying for tax credits to make sure your project is eligible
Clean Cities / 27 State Tax Credits Louisiana Alt Fuel Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure Tax Credit Eligibility: Alternative fuel vehicles registered in Louisiana. Credit applies to Louisiana taxable income. Tax Credit Amount: 36% of the cost of converting a vehicle to operate on alternative fuel. 36% of the incremental cost of purchasing an alternative fuel vehicle; or if the incremental cost of the vehicle or the cost associated with the alternative fueling system cannot be documented, 7.2% of vehicle or $1500, whichever is less. 36% of the cost of alternative fueling equipment. (Equipment only; no labor costs are included). Contact: William Little, Louisiana Dept. of Revenue (225) / Advice & Rulings
Clean Cities / 28 Resources Alternative Fuel Data Center Laws & Incentives Search: Clean Cities Funding Opportunities: EPA National Clean Diesel Program:
Clean Cities / 29 Questions? For Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, and Tangipahoa Parishes: Rebecca Otte Clean Fuel Partnership Director Regional Planning Commission (504) All other Parishes in Louisiana: Ann Shaneyfelt, Louisiana Clean Fuels Executive Director / Office: Cell: